Just a Dream (Ch.3)

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Wow. I appriciate all of the comments, votes, and fans. You really do make me feel great! Any new fans are always welcome. Lmao, you all rock, don't forget.


Chapter 3

My dream filled the black gap in my mind. I saw a boy; my age: 14. He looked about three or four inches taller than me - he was tall. And the boy had jet black hair. It was messy in the front, and went down to his neck in the back. I couldn't see his eyes - his head was parallel with the ground below him.

The scene was pretty much the same as it usually was: A normal day. The bad part would arrive soon enough.

Wait, wait, wait, I thought. This is the road that my bus takes... And where the crash was. The boy was sitting in the other bus. So, he must have been in the crash. I saw my bus, too. Though there was no one in it.

"Hello!" I called out to the boy; though I already knew that he couldn't hear me. To my surprise, he looked over at me. I was in the opposite bus of his.

"Where is everyone?!" The boy demanded from his bus. I opened my mouth to explain, but then I remembered the crash was just about to happen. Why doesn't he know?

"Get down! The buses are going to crash!" I yelled out my window. The stranger looked confused.

"How do you know? And: Where is everyone?" The boy's bus was from a different school district than mine. So that's why I didn't know him.

"Well-Just listen to me! Hide under the seats. You'll be safer. These buses are going to crash!" I was getting a bit irritated with him, but I wouldn't quit. How can he see me? No one else ever can, I wondered in my head.

The two yellow beasts collided - that was my second time experiencing this particular crash. My bus seemed to fly in slow motion; away from the other - which was rolling down a hill. I didn't feel the impact, this time. It wasn't my dream to feel. It was the boy's.

"Hello?" I shouted, climbing out of the empty bus. My voice was hoarse. "Hello?" I ran over to the upside-down vehicle. "Are you in there?" My voice gave out. I tried to shout again, but my voice just faded into the air. Why? The fumes from the scene were burning my eyes and throat. Dirty tears trickled from my eyes as the smoke swallowed me up. No. I can't let him die. Oh, please no. It'll be my fault.

I heard the voice from my other dream. "You did well. Find the group." It was the warm voice, that send chills down my spine. "You must keep fighting. You'll make it. That's why you were chosen." Chosen for what? What group? This is so confusing. "I know, Kenna. Just relax. Heal. You will be okay. The group needs you. The world needs you. Just know this." The voice wasn't really out loud - more like another voice in my head. But, I could tell that the voice meant no harm. It was friendly. He was friendly, actually.

"You'll die!" The other voice. It had the same effect as before, the bone-hard growl deadly to me. I had dropped to the ground, my hands over my ears. I tried to scream: "Leave me alone! Stop!" Nothing would come out of my mouth. I was completely helpless to the voice.

"Don't even try to defeat me," the voice sneered. "You'll never win, Kenna. Just die now!" It felt as if I was drowning. I was unable to breathe, or speak, and the voice brought so much pain. My eyes were sealed shut - and I could see the colors reflecting off of my eyelids.

"Get away from her!" The other voice pushed the pain away. I felt relief fill me, though I didn't even know who the voice was; I trusted it anyways. "Just stop!"

"Never," the other voice replied. It was very deep, and low. "I don't need to give up. Your little group is already half-dead. Just admit it. Quit." I screamed silently, my dirt-covered face twisted in pain. Make him stop! Please Voice, please!

The voice made some sort of a snapping noise. "Kill them. I don't care. I don't even know them." The only voice that I trusted was going to let me die. No way. I won't quit. I may have two enemies now, but I still have a group to find. 'Will you two just leave me alone? I'm only dreaming. What can you do to me in a dream?'

"You know what I can do." The voice was harsher. It had felt as if a knife was cutting tiny little pieces out of my skull; slowly as possible. Stop! I closed my eyelids tight, gritted my teeth, and somehow fought back. The evil voice growled something inaudible. 'You'll never win,' I screamed in my head. The voice roared:-

"I do not have much time! Just let me kill you now!" I wouldn't budge. I felt as if my mind was surrounded by a barrier of some kind. The evil couldn't get in. The growling was cut off by the other voice.

"I'm sorry. I would never let him hurt you," it apologized. "Now listen good: You have defeated the voice for now. But, he will just train to get stronger. You need to train too - and get the group."

'What group?' My mouth and throat were still too dry for me to talk; my thoughts seemed to work for communication, though.

"You'll find out." My surroundings faded away into nothingness.


Whoa. More voices, and now a mystery boy? How could he see Kenna? Will Kenna wake up? Haha, suspence.

Feedback, comments, and any messages about my stories are appriciated!

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