Just a Dream (Ch.2)

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Chapter 2

Well that sucked, I thought to myself. I got out of my navy blue covers, and turned off the alarm.

Suddenly I realized that my toes were still covered in blood and my sheets were soaked wet. So was my hair. But, I ignored all of that, and wrote everything down in my dream journal, first.

I walked out of my bedroom and to my bathroom. My reflection was horrifying. My skin was very, very white. I'd never seen someone so pale before. And, my green eyes still had the gold hidden in them, but you could see it. I got into the shower and washed off the best that I could, and let the hot water hit me with extreme force. The intense heat made me feel like my old self again.

Walking out of the shower; drenched in steaming water, I get dressed for the last day. Why should I dress up for the last day? Wait, I don't ever dress up, I thought bitterly. My hands wrapped around the knob of my mahogany dresser, and I grabbed my usual outfit: Jeans and a t-shirt.

I put them on, and then brushed my scarlet hair out briskly. I jogged back to the bathroom, and brushed my teeth. Something brushed against my leg, and nearly made me scream, and it sent my heart crashing through my ribs. (Or so it felt.) "Pepper! You scared the-"

Pepper, my black and white terrier, barked loudly and cut me off. He was my 4 year old dog, the only animal in the orphanage. I was never very fond of animals. "Out!" I shouted, and pointed at the door. Pepper scurried out, his tail still wagging. He stopped at the doorway, barked one last time, and hurried out of the bathroom.

Oh crap, gotta catch the bus. I practically flew out of the room, nearly running into another orphan, and pulling my backpack off of the table. As soon as I opened the pearly white front door, the loud yellow bus approached my yard. It coughed, and screeched to a stop. I walked through the opening, making sure not to trip on the stairs.

"Hey sunshine!" Alley, my best friend, said. She was more of a morning person than me, obviously. She had dirty blonde hair, and light blue eyes.

"Hey." I said, groaning at the weight of my heavy, black backpack. Stupid homework.

"Wake up late again?"

"You know that I'm not a morning person." I laughed and pulled a strand of hair from my face.

"That's why I said 'sunshine.'" Alley replied.

I rolled my eyes. "Uh huh. So how was last night?" I remembered Alley mentioning a horse show.

"It was awesome! I got two ribbons!" She put both hands in the air, signaling that I should high five her. I smacked my hands against her, hard. It was sort of a joke of ours, to see how hard we can high five.

"That's good," I replied. Then, suddenly, crash. The bus was hit by another. We tumbled down a hill. My backpack flew out of the broken window, though I didn't notice; screams filled my ears. I held my breath, waiting for everything to be over. Alley looked at me, terrified. Her hair was mangled already, stuck on a piece of jagged glass. Chill, I mouthed the words to her, feeling oddly calm.

"Everybody relax!!" I heard the bus driver yelling, as the bus came to a stop. We were on out side. I felt scared, shocked, and happy at the same time. I had just experienced my first car crash - that I survived! The screams slowly quieted down, and were replaced with the sound of sirens. "The ambulance is here! It's all fine." the bus driver continued to soothe us, or tried to at least.

I craned my neck to see out of the broken window. The other bus was just as bad as we were. My stomach churned: I didn't want anyone hurt. But, soon enough, I heard the loud shouting of paramedics.

"Help!" Alley yelled at them. I rolled my eyes. Yes, in that situation, I did roll my eyes.

"You're fine!" I muttered, just loud enough for her to hear.

"I'm stuck in a crashed bus, that's almost fully upside-down. I don't think that I'm fine." She whispered back.

A ray of light hit my eye, and I put my hands in my face immediately. "What the-"

"Shh. It's just a flashlight. Now tell me if you can hear my voice." It was a paramedic. He had a worried look on his face - I didn't understand why. Suddenly, Alley gasped too. She was pulled out of the bus by another paramedic.

"Yes, I can hear you. Why? I'm not mental or anything," I replied, my voice level.

"No apparent signs of shock!" The paramedic called out, apparently ignoring me. I got a bit agitated. Other paramedics poured in. They all stood around me, sort of in a circle.

"Did you feed me something?" I asked them, feeling a sharp, metallic taste on my lips. "What's that?" It was blood, dripping freely from my mouth and nose. A man with a gentle face leaned over to me, and looked me in the eyes. I saw his dark brown eyes get blurry.

"Your-your eyes...blurry..." I felt my eyes starting to droop, and my body starting to shut down. I wasn't scared, though. I looked down at my stomach. There was a huge piece of glass sticking out of it, with specs of blood covering it. Then, I panicked.

"Help me! Look at this!" I screamed as loud as I could. Half of the men jogged over to the ambulance truck, and brought back a large plastic box, apparently filled with medicines. One of them stood over me, injecting my arm quickly. I immediately blacked out.


A bit of action in this chapter.

Will Kenna find the group? Will she survive the crash? You'll find out soon enough.

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