Just a Dream

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Chapter 1

I was walking along a huge sheet of ice. What was I doing there? Who knows? All that I knew was that it was a dream. I've always had these weird, vivid dreams.

The ice was chilling me to the bone, literally. My feet were paler than usual, bare on the freezing surface of the ice. The frozen water seeped through my skin and made my skinny toes bleed, leaving a small trail of red in the all-white landscape. I kept walking, hoping to have the worst part of the dream over already.

The strange thing was: The dream was about me. It was never about me! My dreams were always of other people's misery, not mine. The even stranger part was: The ice was actually cold. My frost-bitten toes actually burned. This had never happened before.

I knew that this was going to happen to me in the future, also. All of these dreams came true.

"Is anyone out there?" I called out. I already knew no one else was in these dreams, except for the victim. The feeling of death passed through me. Not pain, just that feeling of dread so strong, you just know that you're dead.

Think fire, Kenna. Think fire. It will all be over soon, I'd told myself.

I continued to walk. The ice had seemed thinner, but my feet were so numb that I couldn't even tell. Every step took out energy from my limbs, making my legs and feet heavier on the ice. I didn't even try to remember that the ice was thin, the dream had droned on for, what it seemed like, hours.

The ice never made a sound. I couldn't really hear any sound actually, just my own breathing. That also gave the dream an eerie effect. It really felt like a scary movie, always dreading the end.

But, the absolute worst part, was the boredom. You see, I wasn't patient at all. The boredom made my head throb. The only good part about it was probably the sense of being alone. I wasn't disturbed at all, I could curse out as loud as I could and no one would ground me. I continued to let my mind wander, to keep out the feeling of cold and pain.

I recounted all of the pets that I've had, and described them in my head. I counted off all of the relatives that I knew that I have, and all of them that I've met. The boredom and pain was so intense my blood boiled. But, I kept walking. I don't know how I did it, but I maintained the same walking pace for what seemed like months, when it was only a few hours.

I continued forward, when my foot fell into the ice. I quickly pulled it out, the water washing off my toes, which were covered in dried blood.

Thinner ice, I noted in my head. I watched each step closely; I didn't have anything else to do.

All of a sudden, a gust of wind howled in my ears, snapping me back into reality. I looked up. Nothing. The sky was covered in a never-ending, gray cloud. It was just a large, unmoving mass. I stared.

While I was gawking at the large cloud, my foot slipped through the ice again. But, this time was different. My whole body fell into the freezing cold water, my jaws wide in a silent scream. The only air that my lungs had contained was being poured out in large bubbles from my mouth and nose. I tried to bring in air, but my lungs only drew in water. They constricted, trying to contain the precious amount of oxygen in them.

My eardrums popped and popped, the water filling them also. My eyes stung, I tried to close them, but the ice-cold water seemed to have frozen them open.

My instincts made me try to swim back to the surface, yet I didn't know how to swim, and the blackness soon swallowed me up. The only light, and the only thing that kept me striving to live was that hole in the ice, where I had fell in. I knew I could at least try to swim up to it. I started to battle the sucking current, which was pulling me in tighter by the second. My arm muscles quavered with strength.

If I die, at least I died fighting, I repeated my favorite quote in my head. I was almost to the hole!

My whole body froze then.

In my head, a deep voice repeated, "Find the group... The world is at stake..." It made a warm feeling come over my body. But, another voice came in. It seemed to be growling, in competition with the other voice. It said, "You will never stop us... You will die... Quit now... Your little friends will die too... Your stupid group can't stop us..." The voice seemed to be scratching the very bone of my skull. The throbbing in my head was unbearable. Was it from lack of oxygen, or was it the voice? I didn't know, but I was almost sure that it was the voice.

My red hair and pale skin shined under the black water. I'd been seeing a vision of myself, under the water. My green eyes had a hint of gold in them. That was new. I'd never looked like that until then.

I was suddenly transferred back to my own senses, like a cannon blast. The throbbing and the growling of the voice in my brain came back.

I couldn't move anymore. It really did feel like the end. The pain continued to get worse, and my lungs became shriveled up in my chest. I fought the urge to close my eyes and stop the struggle.

My body couldn't take it anymore. In my head, I screamed silently, No! Please, God, don't let me die! I don't want to go!

But I opened my eyes to the sound of my alarm.


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