Strangely, the boy was close to Hakyeon already despite what happened during the school festival.

What happened after I left?

Leo regretted not staying by Hakyeon's side when the boy fainted but he backed out because he heard Hakyeon calling out for Minhyuk instead of him.

Minhyuk is Hakyeon's best friend and a protective guardian. Leo already knew that it would be a huge hurdle to climb over but now, there was another boy in Hakyeon's life.

Leo was watching silently across the table at Hongbin who was constantly leaning over to Hakyeon while they were chattering away in their own world. Leo was irritated and the distance between him and Hakyeon felt further than he expected.

Leo was never used to crowds and the only people he was close to was Amelia and his chatty cousin, Ken. But after meeting Hakyeon, the amount of people he's come to known have increased.

There was Hakyeon's best friend Lee Minhyuk.

A younger boy and neighbour of Hakyeon's, Han Sanghyuk or Hyogi as Hakyeon would sometimes call the boy.

As well as Hyuk's classmate, Sungjae.

How does so many gather around Hakyeon? What is it about the boy that even Leo, who's been so used to solitude all his life, ends up falling for the boy?

'So what do you want me to help you with, Hakyeon-ah?' Hongbin asked Hakyeon.

You're younger than Hakyeon. Why are you speaking so closely with him already? It's not fair... Leo yelled in his mind.

'Hmm... maybe you can help me with some research or photos of flowers for the next project? You're good with photography right?' Hakyeon answered.

'Sure! Not a problem. Leave it to me!' Hongbin said enthusiastically.

'Kong has become a great assistant for you huh?' Minhyuk said while pretending to be jealous.

Hakyeon nodded.

Leo could see that immediately, Hongbin's ears turned red after Hakyeon's compliment that he was a good help.

What about me? I want to help...

'What's wrong Leo?' Hakyeon caught the boy sitting across from him, staring and seemingly wanting to say something but isn't.

'Huh? Uh... nothing.' Leo didn't know what to say.

'What can we help you with Hakyeonie?' Ken jumped in the conversation and knew exactly what his cowardly cousin wanted to ask.

'Hmm... I'm not sure...' Hakyeon tried thinking really hard.

'What about we help you promote the shop? Me and Leo have quite the connections with people around here and we can help you spread the word around maybe?' Ken suggested.

Hakyeon looked at Ken, it was a good idea indeed but he looked at Leo and Hakyeon didn't want to trouble neither of them. He's sure that the two have better things to do than always hanging out with him.

'But aren't the two of you busy with trying to pass the entrance exams for university? I heard it's really difficult to get into the political department of Brampton. I don't want to hinder neither one of your studies...'

Hakyeon really appreciated the offer but he was also very aware that these two had other priorities. Hakyeon himself had no interest in going to university, nor does he have the money for it.

'It's fine. Right Leo? We can handle it so don't worry. We're your friends too aren't we?' Ken pouted cutely at Hakyeon.

'He's right Hakyeon-ah. Let us help you. Please.' Leo pleaded.

Since the two cousins insisted, it was difficult for Hakyeon to refuse their help any further.

One day, Hakyeon invited Leo and Ken to help him organize the research materials the younger boys have gathered for him. But as he was waiting for the two to arrive at the shop, only one person ever showed up.

'Where's Ken?' Hakyeon asked.

'He said he had something to do and couldn't make it. But I'll do the best that I can for you. Please tell me what to do.' Leo said in a determined face.

'Thank you.'

Oh no. It's just the two of us tonight? Hakyeon became nervous inside but tried his best not to show it.

As the two was organizing the materials throughout the night, Hakyeon could feel his eyes beginning to drop and his body was tired. His sleep was calling for him but he couldn't fall asleep when Leo was working so hard to help him-

Ah! Hakyeon smiled suddenly.

He realized that the first person to have given in to sleep wasn't him but Leo instead.

Leo had fallen asleep on the desk and his head was well rested on his arms while still holding firmly to the papers in his hands.

'You must've been really tired. Sorry.' Hakyeon whispered to him.

As he watched Leo sleep soundlessly next to him, he couldn't help but feel happy yet sad at the same time.

The sight of Leo sleeping so comfortable beside him really reminded him of the first time he met the latter.

That beautiful day when he discovered the cherry blossoms and where Hakyeon was enchanted by Leo. But these feelings in which Hakyeon feels for Leo, can not be revealed.

It's just too dangerous. For both himself and Leo.

But Hakyeon wanted to cherish this moment of peacefully looking at Leo. He couldn't help but reach out for the sleeping beauty's careless and rested face.

You're not a fantasy are you?

As he caressed Leo's face and became completely mesmerized by Leo, a hand suddenly grabbed his own.

'What are you doing?' Leo woke up and slowly sat up. Not letting go of Hakyeon's face.

'Huh?! Uh nothing. You're supposed to be helping me, not sleeping.' Hakyeon tried to play it through and tried taking his hand back from Leo's grasp.

But Leo was strong. He didn't let go.

'Hakyeon-ah.' Leo called his name and in that single moment, Hakyeon heart beat so loudly that it was almost painful to bare. Such a sweet voice calling his name...

Leo looked into Hakyeon's eyes deeply and continuously holding his hands within his own.

'Hakyeon-ah,' Leo called again. 'I... I need to ask you something.'


'Do you... possibly... love me?'

What?! Hakyeon panicked. I do... but he didn't say it aloud.

'Well?' Leo asked again. 'Do you?'

Hakyeon still couldn't say it. So, Leo decided to say it instead.

'Because I love you. I love you Cha Hakyeon. What about you?'

* * * * * *

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