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"Mom," Skylar all but sighed into the older woman's shoulder. She hummed back, engulfing her daughter into a tight hug. "Skylar, baby. It's been too long."

The brunette shook her head, slowly pulling back from the older woman. "I saw you at Bella's wedding, Mom. It hasn't been that long."

"Well, long enough. We both can agree on that at least," Renee stuck her nose up, but let a smile slip on her face to show her lack of seriousness. It was only then that her eyes darted over to Paul behind her daughter. At the sight of him, her eyes widened. "And who is this?"

Skylar took a step back, naturally falling into the embrace that he offered her. "This is Paul. We... uhm..." Without thinking, she raised her left hand mid-thought. In the sunlight, her diamond ring sparkled brightly.

Renee let out a gasp, eyes stretching so wide they resembled those of a cartoon. "And what is that, young lady?"

Preparing for a long lecture on getting married to a guy her mom hadn't even met properly, she cringed back. Which of course triggered Paul to tighten his grip around her waist. Neither were ready for Renee pulling them both into a embrace of her own. 

"I can't believe it!" Renee exclaimed. "My baby is getting married. Oh, my God!" Just as soon as she held them, she pushed herself backwards. "Phil! Phil, get out here and see this."

Figuring that he better get a word in while she was in a brief moment of silence, Paul stuck his hand out and let the smile stretch naturally across his face. "I'm Paul Lahote, ma'am. It's nice to finally meet you."

Renee slapped his hand away, only to pull him into another hug. "You're marrying my daughter!" Chuckling, Paul nodded as best he could. "Well, yes. That is the plan."

Phil finally made it around the corner, looking at the trio in confusion. "What's going on?" Renee spun around, throwing her arms around her husband. "My baby is getting married!"

As he heard the news, Phil face flashed. He stared at his step-daughter over his shoulder, letting his eyes scan over Paul, before landing back on Skylar. She held a hand up before he could get a word out. "Charlie already sat me down. I'm sure about this."

Phil stared a second longer, nodding. "You're happy?"

Skylar glanced over at him, biting her lip to contain the smile before turning back to Phil. "Never been happier."

He nodded, seeming satisfied with her answer. "Well, welcome to the family son."

The newly engaged couple didn't get a break until later that night when they laid down for bed, exhausted. While she loved her mother, she was rather dramatic. Renee had called almost every single friend she had made in Florida to inform them of the news. Most had come over to see for themselves. 

"Renee is..." Paul started but trailed off, seeming to struggle for the right words. Skylar nodded, knowing what he meant. "Yeah. You gotta love her."

"I do. She made you," Paul muttered. 

Skylar made a face, shifting her body so she was laying on her side, facing him. "Yuck. Never took you for a schmuck, Paul."

An eyebrow kinked, and Paul couldn't help but laugh. "Schmuck? Baby, only for you."

"Yuck! You know I hate that hopeless romantic shit." He laughed harder. "Yeah, that's kinda why I do it."

Skylar nodded. "I'm calling off the marriage. I can't marry someone like that."

"Oh yeah," Paul challenged. "Who you gonna go to then?"

She scrunched her face up, thinking. "Hmm. Maybe Seth. I'd have to wait a few years, but we could work it out. Or maybe Embry-" Squealing, she stopped short as Paul suddenly flipped her on her back, she peered up at him with innocent eyes. 

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