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I hit over 400 followers so I wanted to thank you all for supporting me for this long. I meant to update when I saw but work got crazzyyy so I haven't had the time. Hope the update makes up for the absence.

Skylar hadn't caught any amount of sleep that night, which she saw as both a positive and negative light. On one hand, she had until the darkness faded and the light slowly appeared to think about what side she would choose. On the other side, however, she just seemed more and more stressed over the decision she would have to make. No matter what happened, either Paul or Bella would end up severely hurt.

With dark bags under her eyes, showcasing her lack of rest, Skylar took a deep breath before entering the Cullens house. She had no clue what time is was but with the darkness still covering the sky, Skylar had to guess it was close to one or two. If she had continued to think about her decision all night, she would have gone crazy. So instead, she decided to go with her gut feeling and headed to tell the rest of them.

Edward greeted her as she walked in, and immediately his eyebrows furrowed as he read her mind. She wasn't surprised; her conversation with Paul had been echoing in the back since he had left. He stared at her, his gaze unwavering, before slowly nodding his head. "Bella is upstairs."

She passed by him, only to be stopped when his hand gripped her arm. Looking down at her, he nodded once to the younger adult. "I know a lot has happened in the past few years, but I will always appreciate how supportive you have been of Bella, and while I know you don't fully accept me being with her... Skylar, I will always be here for you."

Skylar simply nodded back, shaking his hand off of her and walked towards the stairs. Her breath faltered as Bella appeared in her line of sight. Even though she had just been gone for the night, Bella looked both worse and better. She was clearly becoming healthier - gaining weight and definition back in her face, the dark shadows disappearing under her eyes. Her stomach seemed to have swelled even more though, if that was even possible. It made her wonder how much longer she had until labor.

Bella's face seemed to light up as she spotted her twin. "We were worried about you. I'm glad you're here, Sky."

Staring at her, Skylar glanced down at the ground before raising her gaze to rest of the remaining Cullens. She had assumed that Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett had made it safely as they were nowhere to be found, which left Alice and Rosalie to protect her twin.

Rosalie came up behind Bella, nudging her a little with her shoulder. "Well, tell her."

Bella looked embarrassed but smiled at Skylar. "We were debating about the final names. I was thinking EJ for a boy. For Edward Jacob."

Rolling her eyes, Rosalie smiled at Skylar before turning to face Bella. "Fine. That one isn't awful... Go on. Tell her the girl's name."

"At first, I was playing around with each mother's name, and well, I was thinking Renesmee."

Skylar chuckled, shaking her head. "Renee and Esme. I like that."

She turned around, only to see that Jacob and Edward had appeared behind her. Looking at Edward, he discreetly nodded, making Skylar nod her head as well. Twisting her head, she let out a breath before looking at her twin, who was giving her a confused look. "Sky? What's going on?"

Trying to calm her suddenly erratic heart, Skylar opened her mouth to speak as Rosalie reached down for the Styrofoam cup. Her eyes followed it's path as Bella reached to take it, only to drop it. Skylar and Bella bent down to grab it when a loud ripping sound followed by a devastating scream pierced the air.

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