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This is a bit of a depressing chapter, at least in the beginning. I don't want to upset anybody when reading this, so just giving yall a heads up. She'll be okay, but she has to go through this phase. 

"I still don't understand why you can finally come over, but your sister still can't. Isn't she supposed to be getting better?" Charlie's questioning had been relentless. Skylar understood, she really did, as he hadn't really seen either of them for a couple of weeks. It was still grating on her last nerves. 

She was still shaken after her run in with Paul. Skylar had known that it would be hard seeing him again, but he had damn near attacked her. 

"I told you, Dad. She's getting better, but she's no where near where she should be."

He scoffed, his jaw set. "And you can? Why can you be around her and I can't?"

"You just don't understand!" She finally snapped. Weeks of constant stress had taken it's toll on her patience level. "It's different with me, okay! Just... Just give her a little while longer, and then you'll be able to see her."

Charlie was silent for a couple seconds after her outburst. "You don't look so great either, Sky. What's going on with you? Is it Paul?"

She damn near flinched at the sound of his name passing through Charlie's lips. "I'm fine. Just a little tired."

"I'm worried about you too. You look like you haven't slept in weeks, you have bags under your eyes. Skylar, you look like you lost half your weight. What is going on? Why can't you tell me what's going on?"

Shaking her head, Skylar nodded towards the steps. "I am feeling tired," she stated, purposefully avoiding his inquiries. "I think I'm gonna hit the hay for the night. Thanks for letting me stay over." Instead of waiting for a response, she bolted upstairs and headed to the sanctuary of her room. Locking the door behind her, she tilted her head up towards the ceiling and slowly exhaled. 

She didn't feel like talking to anyone about anything, least of all about Paul. 

Skylar knew coming to Charlie's was a risk. It wasn't protected at all, so anyone could show up. But she had a feeling it was the last place anyone would look for her, so it seemed like the safest route. Even with all of Charlie's questions.

She couldn't blame him for being worried about Bella. It was always Bella. It seemed to go that way with both of her parents. Although she knew they loved her and would do anything for her, it seemed they valued Bella a little higher than herself. 

Right now, Skylar felt as if she were on a roller coaster spiraling downwards at an alarming rate. Everything had happened so quickly, so suddenly, that she had hardly any time to adjust, or even prepare herself for what was to come. 

In the span of a few weeks, she had lost so much. She was this close to losing Bella, and it seemed as if she had lost Paul. And she wasn't sure how much more she could take of it. 

Her heart almost jumped out of her chest when she heard a thump against her window. 

Her heart almost stopped when she recognized the thump to be Paul.

"Let me in," he firmly stated. When she didn't move, he hit the window, making Skylar jump back. "Let me in or I'll break down the goddamn window."

With shaking fingers, she reached up to unlock the latch holding the glass down before gently sliding it up. He immediately jumped in, making Skylar backtrack towards her bed.

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