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Skylar snorted as she watched her twin attempting to cross the porch in high heels. The young adult was perched on the stone railing, eyebrows raised in amusement. "Jesus Christ, Bella. Maybe you should just go in your vans."

Alice snapped around to glare at her, shaking her head. "No. Absolutely not." Turning back around to the struggling bride-to-be, she sighed. "You have to learn how to walk in them, Bella."

"Maybe Sky has a point, Alice. Maybe I should just go barefoot," Bella said, casting her gaze downwards. 

Throwing her hands up in the air, Alice somehow gracefully stomped her way down the stairs. As she reached the bottom one, she kinked an eyebrow at the pair. "Both of you get some beauty rest. You have a big day coming up tomorrow, Bella." She flipped her short hair to the side and pranced away, probably to order around another one of her family members.

Chuckling at the pixie like girl, Skylar glanced back at Bella, only to find her staring at Edward. She rolled her eyes and hopped off the side. "I have to go. I'd rather not throw my guts up watching the two of you gush over each other."

"Like you and Paul are any better," Bella retorted back, still staring at Edward. 

Skylar simply poked her tongue out at her sister and headed the opposite ways towards the Cullens driveway. As she drove away from their land, her mind drifted towards Paul, and the months that had followed after his proposal. 

Although they were imprints - and were destined to be with each other for life - the proposal still shocked the hell out of Skylar. With Victoria having just happened, and Edward and Bella's official announcement of their wedding to her, she wasn't prepared to have start planning one of her own. Or giving Charlie a heart attack. 


Her poor dad. With Bella's wedding already on his mind, Skylar wasn't about to place another outlet of stress on her father. And even though he did like Paul (a lot) more than Edward, that likeness would more than likely plummet when he found out Skylar was engaged as well. And the decision that she had made to hold off telling Charlie was the reason the two were currently in a fight. 

Scoffing, Skylar laughed at the thought crossing. Could she even call the little spat they were going through a fight? 

Paul, having not being able to go without seeing Skylar for more than twenty four hours, always slid through her window right as Charlie went to bed. He would make his way over to her bed, push her over and climb in, almost falling asleep instantly, but not before he would snake his arms around her midsection. 

Skylar wouldn't even have a problem with the way he was acting if it wasn't for Paul being stubborn; and by stubborn, she meant the silent treatment he was currently giving her. 

So yes, while he would still sleep with her every night and disappear before Charlie woke up the next morning, he would refuse to say the slightest word to her, which was affecting Skylar more than she would like to admit.

Her train of thought vanished as she saw Charlie walking towards his cruiser. Swerving in the driveway, she parked her car and climbed out. Raising a hand towards her dad, she titled her head in confusion. "Where are you off to?" 

"What? A man can't have a life without his kids knowing?" Charlie asked. 

She shook her head. "Not when you have a kid as nosy as me."

He rolled his eyes, leaning against the striped car. "Sue invited me over for dinner with her and Seth. I thought it would be a nice change from the, uh, food you make us." Skylar couldn't even glare at him for the snide comment. She was surprised he even called what she made food. 

"Well I'm no Bella, am I?" She joked.

Shrugging, Charlie waved his hand. "I'll see you later. Please, Skylar, don't catch the house on fire. I've left the number for the local pizza place on the fridge. And yes, since you were wondering, they do deliver."

Pumping her fist in the air at the news, Skylar smiled wide. "I'll see you later, Dad. Please be safe. I don't want anything to happen that you're not prepared for."

Charlie stood in shock. "Skylar, are you seriously trying to give me the sex talk?"

"No?" She questioned. "You know what, Dad. Just leave." He threw his hands up in the air before entering his car and speeding off. For a cop he was an awful driver. 

Huh, Skylar thought. Must be where Bells and I get it from. 

Making her way into the house, she darted towards the fridge and immediately called the pizza place. Placing her order, she rolled her head back as she was told it would be half an hour. 

Sitting down in the living room, she half watched the game that Charlie had left on the television set. After what seemed like forever, the doorbell finally rang and Skylar jumped up and grabbed the money left on the end table. 

"Hi," she greeted the younger boy, whose face flushed at the sight of Skylar. 

"Um... Hi, yeah. Your, uh, your pizza. The large cheese is gonna be 12.87," he stuttered. 

Smiling at the blushing boy, she handed the money over to him and received the pizza in return. "Keep the change."

"No, I can't. I can't do that," he attempted to argue, but was cut short at the low growl coming behind him. Turning around, his flushed face paled when he spotted Paul glaring at him, arms crossed. 

"Keep the change, kid," Paul said, twitching his head towards the delivery car. "Now beat it."

Deciding to mess with Paul even more, Skylar gave the younger boy the widest smile she could. "Nice to meet you!" Giving her imprint a triumphant smirk, she stepped backwards inside and slammed the door shut. Well, was going to slam the door shut before Paul's foot shot out to keep it from closing. "Wait, Sky." Cracking the door open an inch, she gave him her best bitch face. 

"Look, I'm sorry for ignoring you this past week or so-"

"Two and a half weeks. But whose counting?"

Paul glared at her. "It was me being stupid, okay? And seeing that boy look at you like that just pissed me off and made me realize how much I miss hearing your voice."

"What way was he looking at me? He looked like he was fifteen!" Skylar shouted, making sure the said boy wasn't in hearing distance. He wasn't. The poor kid had fled to the car and flew out of her driveway as soon as possible. 

"He was still, ugh. Look, that's not the point. I'm sorry, Skylar. I really am." Paul stared at her for a second longer, gently nudging the door open. "Charlie won't be home for another couple hours or so. The Clearwaters will keep him busy, they always do."

Skylar nodded before looking skeptically over at him. "You only apologized so you could have some pizza, didn't you?"

The sheepish smile on his face was her answer.  

And so were off on the first chapter of Fallen! As always, starting the book off with a lil bit of fluff never hurt anybody. I'm sooo freaking excited to write this book as I have so many ideas. But the plot of the storyline just came to me at midnight, so I had to write it down before I lost it. So congratulations, yall got an earlier update that what it was suppose to be. 

Anyways, go check out my other Twilight books for Embry and Jacob if yall have the time! And don't forget to comment and vote, especially comments because they really make my day. Skylar would want you to do both. 

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