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"What did I say about beauty sleep," Alice patronized Bella, frowning down at her as she dabbed the sponge across her face.

Bella snorted, shaking her head. "Sorry. Bad dream." Skylar raised an eyebrow at her bland tone along with the clipped words. "It was wedding jitters."

Alice simply sighed and looked at Bella through the mirror, all while continuing to set foundation on her pale skin.

In all honesty, Skylar was having a hard time keeping up with the conversation herself. It had finally sunk in that her sister was getting married - and that she had a fiance of her own now. She snorted at her own thoughts, half imagining what Paul's reaction would be to being called her fiance.

Thankfully, Skylar had the skill to do her own hair and makeup, so she could avoid Alice's attack. Besides, it wasn't her that the guests would be looking at today.

She could understand that Bella wanted to have a private ceremony. And although that thought was whisked away when Alice started planning, she could still see how Bella didn't want an abundance of attention. Still, it hurt when she didn't ask Skylar to walk down the aisle. She knew in the back of her mind that Alice and Rosalie wouldn't even be standing next to her sister, but instead take a seat on the front row. But the thought of being replaced made the young adult sorrowful.

Skylar understood more than anybody that the two had had their ups and downs throughout the past few years, but she had thought that they were building up that bond that had so easily shattered. Maybe it was just her being dramatic.

The thought of being cast out only to be replaced by Alice was swirling through her mind, constantly. It wouldn't stop.

Abruptly standing up, Skylar tried to throw her sister a smile at the startled look on her face. "I just need some air." Ignoring the looks being thrown her way by the two vampire sisters, she walked out of the room as fast as she could without being too suspicious.

She made it to the end of the stairs before having to take a seat. It seemed like everything was happening at once, and Skylar didn't like it. She was so caught up in her own world that she didn't notice the figure cautiously walking towards her.

Skylar did notice when her worries started to melt away, and a feeling of calmness replaced them. Looking up, she slightly smiled as Jasper hard stare continued to linger. "Not cool, Jasper. I'm alright."

"You're feelings say otherwise," he spoke smoothly. Hesitating, he glanced at the step next to her before finally taking a seat.

"Just... Just a big day," she whispered. "I really am happy for her."

Jasper nodded as the two of them continued to stare out the window. The guests were starting to pile in, mingling in the yard. Although it was hard to see through the many decorations Alice had placed, the thought of so many people arriving for Bella made her smile.

"I know you are," he finally said back, still avoiding her gaze. "But I can also feel the hurt."

She took a shuttering breath in. "I just miss her I guess."

"She still needs you," he reassured, making the brunette chuckle. "No. She has Edward. She has you, and the rest of the family. That's all she's ever wanted, was to be in a complete family. One where she didn't have to spend every summer with Charlie, and then be rushed down back to Mom's place. She hated the tension between the two. And even though it's better, it's not the same."

Hearing Renee's laughter at the top of the stairs, along with Charlie deep voice made her bitterly laugh. "I get it, I really do. Everybody's happy, which is the way it should be. I'm glad that she has you all, that you all make her feel so protected."

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