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Dear Justin,

I haven't told you, in fact I haven't told anyone. We've just been doing so great the past five months that I couldn't. I don't want to ruin it. But I have to tell you.

I got a call from Yale, and I'm attending an early college orientation there. I've known for about a week, and I'm leaving in five days. I'm leaving before school even ends, before we even graduate. I'm going to miss prom, and a lot of other plans we looked forward to together.

Although it's just an orientation, mom told us that we are moving so we can be closer to Yale. Which is exactly 2,867 miles away from you.

You've always told me to follow my heart, and you know I want to go to Yale, but how can I follow my heart if my heart is here in LA with you?

But I don't have a choice..

My mom made all the decisions for me. I'm taking the orientation now and for the whole Summer and attending Yale in Fall.

I love you, Justin.


hey hey!
so omg this happened..
i actually have the rest of the story planned out but before i get into detail about that i just wanna say IM SORRY for being so bad with updating. i've ben stuck in a huge writers block.

but i'm back! and the book is gonna end soon! but i need help, should i end it with a letter or with a special chapter? ;) i have more questions, but those will be asked in the end.

thanks for reading!
ily! bye!


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