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Dear Justin,

The day has come. Today is the day I have wished would never happen ever since I started writing you letters. Someone found my journal and read my letters to you. Not just some random girl, it was Selena. Your ex.

I heard Selena say that I'm in love with you, but I have no chance, because you'll always love her. Is that true? Maybe it is because she was your first love, I guess that never goes away.

But I can never go in a room without receiving bad looks and being laughed at anymore. People won't/don't look at me the same. But I don't care about what other people think of me, I only care about what you think of me.

And right now, you know that I'm the girl who sits behind you in math and the girl that's head over heels in love with you.

What do you think about that, Justin?..

I love you, Justin.


hi guys! 😘

obviously I haven't updated in a long time, but now I'm back bc one of your comments inspired me. *wink wink*

I think I know what I'm gonna do with the story and how I'm gonna make it all work I guess, so that's good. that means more updates! if you even want updates.. 😂

but, I have school so I am pretty busy. so yeah, I'll try to update as much as I can though! anyways, thanks for reading and voting and commenting. I actually read all your comments, they make my days so much better. 😂 thank you!


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