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(look at that cute picture of mom and dad though. aren't they cute? btw, I did not make the edit! the watermarked acc did.)


I couldn't believe what I was reading. I couldn't believe that he feels the same way that I do. I couldn't believe that he spends his time writing letters, for me.

But, I do have to be careful. Maybe this is just one of Selena's pranks, maybe she's trying to get my hopes up. Plus, there's a 0.1% that this is actually true and Justin feels the same way, but there's a 99.9% chance that this is just a prank and he doesn't.

The only way to actually find it if it was true or not was to go to Park, that café not too far from school, right after school ends. I needed to know if this is true or not.

"Ms. Grande," Ms. Arabia calls, I slowly lift my eyes from the journal in my hands to look at her. "Mind sharing with the class what you're reading there? You seem very interested in it." Um, hell no.

"Uhm.. I.." I start, but the bell suddenly rings. Saved by the bell. On that cue, everyone starts packing their things and up and left the classroom.

As soon as I got out of the classroom I walked straight to the exit of this hell-hole and headed to the café like my life depended on it.

Once I got there, I looked inside through the windows to see if Selena's minions were here and maybe even the devil herself, but thankfully I don't see them. Instead I see Justin sitting down tapping his fingers against the table which made a smile creep onto my face.

As I was about to go inside, everything suddenly hit me. This is happening. It really is. He feels the same way about me, finally. After what felt like years of waiting, it's finally happening.

Taking a deep breath, I open the door and walk inside, the cool air surrounded me. I sighed, gratefully. It was hot as balls outside. I then slowly make my way to where Justin was seated.

Once I got there, my shadow covered the sunlight that reflected on the table which caused his head to shoot up. His beautiful hazel brown eyes met mine, and a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Hey." He said, watching me as I sat down on the chair across from his.


"You came." He smiles. Ugh, everytime he smiles I feel myself melt.

"Yeah," I smile back. "I honestly thought it was just one of Selena's little pranks so I came here to make sure if it was or not. It's obviously not."

"Yeah, but let's not bring that bitch up right now. It's about this right now," He says and pulls out my journal from his bag and sets it down on the table. "It's about us right now."

Right when he said that I lost it. I couldn't believe those words came out of his mouth, I couldn't believe this was happening. I felt like I needed to pinch myself to make sure this is real, so that I did.

"Ari, don't pinch yourself. This is really happening." Justin chuckles. I give him a smile and then set his journal down on the table too. "I think this belongs to you."

"Oh yeah," He mutters, a tint of red appearing in his cheeks. He's blushing, awe. "Thanks."

"So um, uh.." He starts. "When did you start writing the letters? And um, when'd you start feeling that way about me?" He asks.

"I started writing when you and Selena first got together, so about a year ago. And honestly, I don't know when exactly. All I know is everyday my feelings for you kept growing." I answer honestly. I had nothing to hide, I wanna be with Justin more than anything. I wanna call him mine.

He just nods. "How about you?" I ask curiously.

"Well um.. I started writing when I felt something strange, and different towards you. I knew I couldn't just approach you about it because you might be creeped out, and I couldn't tell my friends so I just wrote all my feelings down. And I started having feelings for you, well it started to become more clear to me when we became partners in Science and became closer." He states.

For the next hour or so, Justin and I kept on talking and getting to know each other more. I never knew I could laugh with a person so much. We ordered some drinks, read through our journals and exchanged numbers.

Everything I've always dreamt of came true, today. For the first time in a long time, I'm really genuinely happy.

After that, Justin took me home. It was a nice day, but we both had a shit ton of homework to do.

"Thanks for the lift, Jay." I smile at him.

"Anytime." He smiles back. I then grab my backpack and get out of his car, closing the door behind me. As I was about to open the front door, a familiar hand grabs my wrist causing me to turn around only to see Justin smiling at me.

"I can't go without a kiss goodbye." On that note, Justin kisses my cheek. Um, I think you missed my lips.

Right when he pulled away, the front door swings open revealing Frankie. "Finally Ari, you're-" He pauses once he sees Justin, then sends a smirk in my direction.

He knows all about Justin, same with mom. I tell them everything, plus my mom gives the best advice. I talk shit about so many people with my mother and brother, it's unbelievable.

"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Frankie says, smirking.

"No, nothing." I mutter glaring at him, which makes him wink at me.

"I'm guessing you're Frankie, the brother." Justin smiles, Frankie nods with a huge grin plastered on his face. "I was just about to get going, Ari I'll see you at school tomorrow."

"Okay." I smile.

"I'll text you." He mouths to me, before saying goodbye to Frankie and actually leaving. Once he drove off, I stumbled into the house putting my hand on my left cheek.

"What the hell happened, Ariana?" My brother asks, excitement full in his voice.

"Well let's just say I'm never washing this cheek ever again."

I'm back and I'm better.
(I'm better)

Anyways, what'd you guys think? I know it's not the best chapter ever but I owe it to ya'll for being gone for so long and bc we're so close to 1k reads wtf! 😭

Thanks you guys for all the support w/ this book, it means everything to me! Pls vote and comment anything you want, your comments make my life. 😂

I love ya'll!

(oh, btdubs, this chapter is dedicated to bunny. she knows who she is, she's been dying for me to update, lol. love you!)


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