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so obviously, I haven't updated in quite a while but if you just here me out, you'd understand.

okay honesty I have no excuse whatsoever, but I'll just say that I'm having a little trouble thinking of how to pick up from where I left off.

so if you guys have some ideas, comment them or dm me or something because I am in need of help my life depends on it.

but actually, school's been quite hectic and chaotic and busy, high school life's hard. and I'm having trouble making time to update etc.

so I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I promise I'll try to update by this weekend!

actually, I have like 10 stories in my drafts but I'm too scared to publish them.

but anyways yeah, if any of you have some ideas on how I should pick up the story from where I left off, feel free to comment them or whatever. I am in need of your help.

oh btdubs, it's my birthday on october 23rd!

mmkay, bye!

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