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A/N - wowowow I went to update this and I got a follower who's someone I don't know irl and an actual vote so shoutout to those people (shadowsscreamalone and greatsunshine2) yes, i am still writing I know this hasn't been updated in a while but I mean I'm updating it now so


Dan stared at his shoes as he sat in the empty hallway. He was kicked out of class for not having his homework done. At the time he was happy to escape math class but now, he was just bored.

Finally the bell rang and Dan made his way to geography, hoping that if he walked slowly, he somehow wouldn't have to actually go.

Thirty minutes into class, Dan was brought out of his daydreams by his phone vibrating. Subtly so that the teacher wouldn't notice, he read the message and saw that it was from Conner:

Conner: Dannnn, are you coming to PJ's party tonight? The whole grade is invited and all our friend group is going, pleeeeeeease join us

Before he could respond he got more messages all at once:

Louise: Dan you have to come this is party people are going to be talking about for ages!

Cat: lol the party is going to be lit, not going would be social suicide

Tyler: I know you'll have a great time Dan :)

Dan was confused, he heard that PJ was Phil's best friend but didn't all the people that just texted Dan tell him to avoid Phil and his crowd? Were they really that desperate for popularity? Spreading rumors when Phil wasn't around then acting like his friend when he paid them attention?

He decided to reply to everyone and say that he'd go, mostly because he needed friends even if they were just pretentious trying-to-be-popular kids like everyone else his age. Also, secretly, Dan knew Phil would be there and even though he knew Phil would never talk to him, he wanted to see those eyes again, those deep blue eyes.

Dan spent the rest of his geography period imagining different party scenarios all of which included Phil begging for Dan's forgiveness and the two becoming immediate friends. Unlikely, but possible.


Dan threw his fifth shirt option onto the floor. The choice was way too stressful. The way he dresses and acts tonight will set everyone's opinion of his for the rest of the year. Finally though, he ended up going with a white t-shirt covered by an unbuttoned blue flannel. It was almost time for Casper to pick him up. Hurriedly, Dan ran his straightener through his hair.

What am I doing? He wondered as he looked himself over in the mirror, you never go to parties and you never worry about your shirt. Who is this, this person who wants to fit in? What happened to you? Right he remembered, Phil Lester happened.

A honk from a car outside told Dan that Casper had arrived. Dan's parents weren't home to tell Dan he really shouldn't be going to a party on the school night so he had no one to say goodbye to as he locked his front door and hesitantly climbed into the back of Casper's beat up sedan, driving toward what would surely be one of the longest, most awkward yet most important nights of his entire life.


*earlier that day*

"Yeah mate my parents are out of town it's going to be wicked!" PJ excitedly said for the fifth time, Phil was counting. "I invited everyone in the grade so there'll probably be loads of losers but what can I say, I'm just a generous person." He said the last part sarcastically as if inviting people out of his circles was merely for his own amusement.

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