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Phil was the first person Dan noticed when he walked through the gates of his new school for the first time as a year 11. Dan was a nervous wreck that day. Dan had just moved to this town from the south of England which cursed him with an articulate queen like accent; as if he wasn't standing out already.

He wasn't the only awkward one, all the new year nines were looking around with worried expressions on their faces, obviously overwhelmed by the loud intimidating environment of secondary school.

And there, amid all the nervous excitement and confusion was Phil Lester, leaning against the brick wall of the school, wearing all black, headphone in one ear nodding slightly to the beat of his music, looking around at all the chaos of the first day of school with a smirk on his pale face. Dan had immediately labeled him as the stereotypical high school lone wolf punk kid who 'no one could understand'.

This label was completely thrown when Dan saw a bunch of plastic looking girls and boys who all similar tank tops and identical quiffs flocking around Phil. When they spoke to Phil they all had a hint of nervousness and hope in their eyes, as if Phil liking them was crucial to their well being.

Dan didn't know much about Phil except that he was unbelievably popular. As soon as he had told his old friends what school he was moving to they all started raving about someone named Phil Lester.

Dan's friends told him wild stories about how Phil would mysteriously disappear for weeks on end, upon arrival back at school telling stories about how he had joined the circus, or gone to Japan to star in commercials.

Dan didn't believe these stories but he made a mental note to keep an eye out for this Phil guy. Upon walking through the school gates it wasn't hard to figure out which student was Phil.

As soon as Phil looked over at Dan with his harsh judging eyes, Dan was immediately aware of his every move and tried his hardest to act nonchalant. This was ruined when Dan walked straight into another student and was left stumbling forward trying to find his balance as the kid grunted a "watch where you're going mate".

As soon as Dan was back up and walking, he subconsciously looked over at Phil to see if he noticed, hoping he hadn't. Phil simply met Dan's gaze, raised an eyebrow, and looked down as he pulled his phone out of his pocket, seeming unfazed by the herd of people surrounding him. Great, Dan thought. I have no friends and now the cool guy thinks I'm an idiot.

It was when Phil walked into Dan's first period English class ten minutes late on that first day that Dan really got a good look at him. Phil was only a couple inches shorter than Dan, maybe less. Somehow his height didn't seem to inconvenience him like Dan's did. Phil's black hair was obviously dyed, Dan observed, judging by his light eyebrows. Phil had piercings and Dan was pretty sure he could see a tattoo peeking out from the neckline of Phil's shirt.

With Phil's worn Nirvana t-shirt and his midnight black hair, Dan was suddenly subconscious about his average brown hair and began to worry that his Pokemon shirt was childish. Phil's athletic build made Dan feel weak in comparison and Dan's pierced ears seemed like nothing compared to Phil's black lip ring and eyebrow bar. Though Phil was the same age as Dan, he seemed so much cooler, older and mature.

Even with all of this, nothing compared to his eyes. Dan had never seen such lively blue eyes. He hadn't noticed them when he saw Phil earlier that day but now that the two were in the same room he was able to get a good look. They weren't just blue, they were a mixture of blue, green, and gold. Phil's eyes were truly beautiful, like an ocean. Dan found himself lost in them until he was dragged back down to reality by a loud thud as Phil carelessly dropped his bag on the floor and sat down in the seat next to Dan, seeing as it was the only one left.

Dan regained his focus, looking at the board and pretending to be really interested in the teacher's lecture. He hoped Phil hadn't noticed his staring, but Dan had never been a particularly lucky person.

"What the fuck were you looking at?" Phil demanded, an accusing curiosity burning in his deep blue eyes.

Dan was immediately caught off guard. He wasn't prepared to interact with people, let alone the legendary Phil Lester.

"Um.. Uh nothing" Dan stammered, "I - I like your shirt?" He cringed internally realizing that it sounded like a question more than it sounded like a statement.

Phil simply shook his head, the ghost of a smile on his lips. "It's rude to stare".

"I -I know I'm sorry I was just distracted by uh.. You know what? Nevermind." Dan stammered, deciding it would be best to not admit to Phil that he was admiring his amazing eyes. He looked down at his notebook hoping to hide his embarrassment.

"Not so fast mate, distracted by what?" Phil asked, leaning in toward Dan, everything in his face shining with wonder.

"Nothing, really it was nothing." Dan said, praying Phil couldn't see his blush.

"Whatever, loser." Phil scoffed, instantly easing back into his rude demeanor, the distant look to his eyes that he wore earlier returning.

Dan looked at Phil from the corner of his eye periodically as he wrote his notes. He noticed that Phil had no notebook - or even a pencil for that matter. He just sat there, eventually leaning back in his chair and placing an earphone into his ear. He then pulled out his phone when the teacher had his back to the class and selected a song. He quickly put his phone away, then just glanced around the room with a look that was a combination of boredom and disgust. That was the day Dan decided that he hated Phil's cold gaze.

Phil was very mysterious to Dan, much like he was to everyone else. But unlike everyone else who were trying to get on Phil's good side to boost their own popularity, Dan wanted to solve the mystery. He wanted to know what was behind Phil's personna of the cool popular kid who had no responsibilities. He sighed as it dawned on him that he would never figure anything out because why would a guy like Phil ever think twice about a guy like Dan?


He made sure he looked bored but this was just an act, Phil was anything but bored as he thought about his interaction with the new boy next to him. He was angry and confused. Angry because for just a second during his conversation with the brown haired boy, he let his guard down and had accidentally let his genuine interest show. This was completely against one of his rules to live by; never be interested. Phil was confused because well, why was this kid staring at him? Even though they weren't speaking anymore, he could still see the new kid sneaking looks at him from the corner of his eye.

What the fuck did he want?

Phil sighed and looked over at the clock; seeing that there was still half an hour left of the period. Too long, Phil decided. Not caring how loud he was, Phil stood and grabbed his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. He walked right out of the classroom ignoring the teacher calling after him and pretending he didn't notice the entire class, particularly the brown haired boy, staring after him.

Phil pushed through an emergency exit door to escape the hell that was school. Once outside, Phil leaned against the brick wall of the school and pulled a box of cigarettes and a lighter out of his bag. He lit one and took a long drag. What do you care? He reasoned with himself, why should you care about what an irrelevant loser in your class thinks of you?

But he did care. He cared about what people thought, that was how his 'cool Phil' personna came to be. Soon the boy from english will hear the rumors too he thought, everyone does eventually. Soon he'll be lining up to use you for personal gain just like everybody else.

"You're Phil Lester." he said to himself quietly, "You're Phil Lester and you don't need anyone. What do you care if you don't have any real friends?"

Phil closed his eyes and sank down to the ground, taking his cigarette between two fingers. He knew by smoking he was slowly killing himself, but that seemed unimportant as the nicotine calmed his nerves and for a minute just a minute, Phil was able to forget about his crappy life and his self hatred. 

In that moment, he was almost happy. Almost.

A/N - Hope you enjoyed ^_^

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