"You would have" I looked back at Liam. "Maybe not Niall, but you would have fallen inlove eventually. You got hurt and you were scared but that still wouldn't have stopped you from falling inlove again" Liam said.

"Yeah. We mistakes to learn you know that old saying dude" Louis added.

"Craig was my biggest mistake" I mumbled as I looked down at the floor, I then looked back up. "Niall was the best choice I ever made" I added.

"Bucket. Now" Louis teased, I rolled my eyes but still smiled brightly at him. Niall sang his final part before removing his headphones and taking a step back. I watched as he set the headphones down and walked out the booth.

"How'd that sound?" Niall asked.

"Sick" Liam replied. "I reckon maybe we could fit a guitar solo in" Liam said, Niall came and sat on the arm of my chair, I wrapped an arm around his waist to steady him.

"Where about's?" Louis asked.

"In the middle. Maybe right before Zayn starts? So you know where we have the big drum section?" We all nodded. "Add some electric guitar to the mix" Liam suggested.

"That'll make the song dramatic don't you think?" Harry asked.

"The more dramatic the more powerful. The powerful songs are the one that people feel the most" I said, Niall yawned from beside me. "Tired?" I asked, Niall nodded. "Come here" I pulled Niall down into my lap, I then linked our fingers together and rested them on Niall's lap.

"You think we should? We've been going down the fun happy road, I think adding a powerful song could be a little risky" Harry said.

"To be real artists we have to take risks. How'd we know what suits us best if we don't try? Besides with Zayn's vocal range we won't have an issue" Niall commented, I grinned and kissed the back of his neck.

"Wanna get outta here?" I whispered into Niall's ear, Niall nodded his head and slowly stood up. "You guys mind if you head off? We'll make the hour up" I asked, Liam nodded.

"Go for it mate. We almost have everything done anyways. You guys have done all we needed" Liam said.

"Cheers boys" I replied as I stood up from the chair. I stretched out my body as Niall grabbed his jacket.

"Remember lads your own bed this time" Louis teased.

"That was once!" I exclaimed.

"Zayn was too pissed to realize it wasn't our bed he landed on" Niall commented.

"You were sober enough" Harry pointed out.

"Well I had Zayn ontop of me so I wasn't complaning" Niall said.

"I bet you wasn't" Louis mumbled. "Zayn was so pissed I'm surprised he could raise a smile let alone that" Louis said as he pointed towards my crotch, I laughed.

"Alright! This conversations over. Come on Ni" I said as I grabbed Niall's hand. We left the studio to the sound of the boys laughing loudly.

"Beer?" Silence. "Beer?" I called out a little louder. Still no answer. "Niall do you want a beer?" I turned around to see Niall leant against the wall breathing deeply. "Niall" I shoot straight to my feet and race towards him. "What's wrong? Niall what's wrong?" I exclaim as I reached out to take Niall's hands.

"Is it" Niall breaths deeply. "It it crazy that, I can sing infront of a massive crowd but when I'm standing inside one I just freeze" Niall choked out without even breathing.

"Your claustrophobia. Why didn't you say anything?" I exclaimed as I pulled Niall against my chest. He was quiet the whole ride back to the hotel but I just thought he was tired.

"Being a man" Niall commented.

"Being stubborn more like" I said, Niall laughed softly.

"It's what you love about me" Niall whispered against my neck, I smiled as he placed a kiss there.

"One of the things yeah. Come on. Let's lay down" I guided Niall away from the wall and towards the bed. Niall laid back and I slid in beside him, NIall laid his head on my chest.

"Why didn't you tell me the paps were freaking you out?" I asked as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Have to get used to it. What happens when we make it big? What happens when we become world wide stars? I can't freak out infront of people" Niall mumbled, I chuckle.

"Bit ambitious" I teased, Niall shrugged his shoulders and cuddled closer to me.

"I like to dream big nothing wrong with that" Niall replied, I nodded my head and kissed the top of Niall's.

"In that case. When we make it big. When we become the biggest name in music. When everyone wants us. When all the girls are screaming in your face how much they love you, I'll pull you close, I'll protect you from all of it. You were there for me when I wouldn't even let you be. Now it's my turn to be there for you. If you panic, I'll be there" I stated, Niall smiled.

"Makes a change me being the un-sure one" Niall teased, I chuckled.

"I just poured out my heart and you say that?" I joked, Niall laughed.

"Hardly poured your heart out" Niall looked up at me. "I didn't hear the words I love you" Niall added, I rolled my eyes.

"You know I love you" I brushed my fingers gently against his lips. "I love you Niall. I love you so much" Niall smiled and leaned up to kiss my lips.

"I love you too" Niall whispered, I smiled as he laid his head back down on my chest.

"We'll do it together" I assured him, Niall nodded and a yawn slipped past his lips. I held him closer to me and ran my fingers through his hair to comfort him.

"Like we've done everything else" Niall whispered before closing his eyes. Minutes passed before Niall's breathing evened out. I held him as he slept.

We didn't know what would happen. We didn't know how successful we'd become. Nothing was certain. We'd work hard and whatever happens happens. Loving Niall was the biggest risk I'd ever taken. Letting my heart open for him was a risk. Loving him made me who I am now. His love made me strong and fearless. I'd go anywhere with him. I'd face anything with him by my side. No matter what changes in our lives, I know one thing won't change. That one thing is my love for Niall. 

Ziall-Beneath Your BeautifulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang