"You ready to dance the night away, girls?" Leena asked, showing her confident pearly whites.

"Not really."


Walking down the hall to the common room, Maia met with Noah - her date. He looked adorable with his little tux on and an awed look on his face. He pushed his glasses further up his face and held an arm out.

"You look absolutely stunning." He spoke, smiling. Politely, she did the same and slipped her arm into his.

"You look nice too, Noah." She nodded and waved to the other girls. Walking out of the Ravenclaw common room, they chatted about different subjects while traveling to the Great Hall. After rounding the last staircase, they heard a person shout his name. A girl came tumbling down the steps, her heart shaped face covered with little makeup and her hair curled to perfection. Noah's eyes changed to a caring and loving face as he unlinked his arm from Maia's and hugged the mystery girl.

"You look beautiful, Candice." Candice looked happy and then she turned to Maia. Her face turned sour, but still kind of nice. Bittersweet, perhaps.

"Hi, my names Candice. You must be my best friends date." Maia smiled at her and shook her hand.

"You truly look brilliant, Candice. I'm Maia." Candice blushed, looking down at her hands. Noah looked at the exchange cautiously.

"Thank you; but I think you're the real highlight of tonight, Maia." Maia waved it off and laughed.

"Not really, there are plenty of beautiful witches in there tonight. Where's your date?" Maia peaked a look behind her and Candice smiled sadly.

"I had one but he currently is stuffing his tongue down another girls throat, long forgotten about me." Noah looked outraged. He asked if it was true and they had a hushed conversation. Candice then looked behind me and smiled genuinely.

"Looks like someone is gawking at you, Maia." Maia turned around and there was Sirius. Her breath got caught in her throat and she was more than sure that both Candice and Noah heard her small gasp. He looked more handsome than ever with his tux. His hair was slicked back a little to semi-tame his curly hair. His hands were stuffed in his dress pants and his eyes were wide. She waved at him and he nervously nodded. Maia looked back at them and Noah had a knowing look on his face, albeit a little disappointed. Candice no longer had any traces of jealousy on her face as she realised that Maia posed no threat to her. Candice pushed her forward and told her to talk to him. Maia chuckled nervously and walked forward until she was a meter away from him.

"Wow." Is all Sirius could manage. His face was flushed bright red as he looked her up and down. Maia giggled and decided to tease him a little, her confidence flaring a bit.

"Hey, my eyes are up here you know." She pointed to her face. Sirius stuttered out an inaudible response and she smiled - easing the tension a bit.

"You look very dashing, Sirius. Where's you date?" He shrugged.

"I decided to go alone. I'm a lone wolf. How's Nick over there?" He asked, his voice playful but Maia could sense a bit of bitterness in the tone.

"His name is Noah, and he's great. His best friend also over there is nice too - her names Candice," She then covered her mouth and whispered "I think Noah and Candice are going to be a very sweet couple."

Sirius nodded slowly with a smile, looking at them. Looking back, Noah waved Maia to come. Maia stepped forward and Sirius stopped her.

"Promise me a dance?" He spoke.

"Sure." She smiled.


The night so far was one of the best in her life. The food was delicious and her favourite songs were blasting from a wizard band up on the make shift stage. Noah and Maia were dancing together, stopping only to go to the bathroom and grab some drinks. They were playing wizard music as well as some classic muggle music too. The previous song ended and a muggle song, 'Touch a Touch a Touch a Touch a Touch me' came on. Noah looked confused as Maia laughed.

"What band is this from?" he asked as Maia danced to it.

"It's from a movie called Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's a muggle thing." Noah shrugged and smirked playfully as he brought her closer. They danced slightly sensually, but still politely. Some people stopped to watch the moves and join in. The chorus came on and for some reason the dancing got speedier as people joined in with the repetitive dance moves. It was a blurry fun mess to her and suddenly she got spun into someone's arms. Looking up, she saw Sirius, who was smiling at Noah, who smirked at them. Laughing merrily, she continued the dance with him, winking at Candice who was dancing with her date. After many spins and She then realised her predicament.

With Noah, it was only slightly sensual.

With Sirius, it was steamy.

The dance moves were fast paced and more of a skin to skin dance than anything else. Everything heated up as they locked eyes. She felt like a prey about to be hunted as she looked into the steely eyes of her romantic interest. He lifted her up and span her, pressing their bodies together until there was no space left for them to touch each other. She grabbed his hands and pressed her back into him as she slid his hands up her lower torso. His breath hitched audibly and Maia couldn't believe she was affecting her crush. Leaning back into him, she couldn't decipher whether or not his heart was beating fast because of the fast paced dancing or that her touch was affecting him - she hoped the later.

He span her around and dipped her as she song ended. She looked into his eyes as he lifted her back up and held her around the waist. Both Maia and Sirius heaved and were unable to take their eyes off each other. Maia's hands rested comfortably on his fit shoulders and all she could think is how badly she wanted to kiss him. He looked down at her glossy lips and back to her. His eyes held a certain look to him that was unidentifiable to her. He leaned slightly closer to her and she couldn't help but gravitate closer to him too. Their lips were then centimetres apart when they accidently (or not) brushed each other. She felt warm all over, like fate made them collide. Her spine tingled and it just felt right.

Then her awkwardness came in.

She pulled away from his hold and giggled slightly ineptly. Sirius eyes flashed in hunger for a moment but it was gone as soon as it started and he rubbed the back of his head.

"Y-You're a really good dancer." Maia spluttered out, looking at the floor , wringing her hands nervously. Sirius chuckled lightly.

"So are you." He said, his voice a higher octave than normal. The band started playing 'Hello, I love you'. Maia looked at Noah who was slow dancing with Candice. Candice looked like she was on cloud nine and Maia didn't have the heart to stop them.

"Where's your group?" She asked and Sirius shrugged.

"James is probably chatting up Lily at the drinks table, Peter is probably stuffing himself with food and Remus you can see over there being hit on by a intoxicated fourth year." He pointed to Remus who was leaning away from a girl with dyed blonde hair who was trying to kiss him. Maia winced and stepped forward.

"I'm going to go save him, see you later!" Sirius tried to speak but before he could Maia was gone and Sirius was slightly confused.

His feelings towards her just got a whole lot more confusing.



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