Special CH

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Hey Anglers! Your Queen is back!

Are you all happy that I could finally update?

I bet you are. But not because I'm back ;-;... My sad life be like-

Disclaimer: No. I do not own the show Naruto, Kishi-Sama does.


Karin's Flashback (Part 3)

"What?" A certain red-head askes uncertainly, blinking her ruby red eyes infront of the two adults that stood before her.

Haruka squealed at her adorableness and squished her cheeks, making Karin's mouth shaped into a small 'duck lips' as people would call it.

Izuki sweatdropped at his soon-to-be-wife torturing his daughter's fat, baby cheeks.

Karin whined when the woman squeezed her cheeks a little too hard "a-aah! Mrs. Hawuka! S-shtop it pweash!" She begged, her words came out inproperly because of the woman and got hold of Haruka's two slender hands that were currently torturing her face.

Haruka stopped immediately when she realized she was pinching Karin too hard and let go sadly but not before giving the little Uzumaki's right cheek one last pinch before she finally removed her hand off of the red head, getting a little yelp of suprise in reply.

Karin rubbed her chubby pink cheeks, trying to make them feel better, before she looked up at her father "But what do you mean you and miss Haruka will get married, daddy?" She asked him.

Izuki smiled warmly his precious daughter before kneeling down at her and ruffled her red spiky hair, causing her to puff out her cheeks and swat his big hand away.

He told her "Remember when I told you that your mom isn't going to come back..?" Karin nodded slowly and lowered her head, Izuki's heart tightened at the sight and sighed "And you also remember when I promised you that I will marry someone better?" Karin's head jerked up "B-but I love mommy! I miss her, daddy! E-even though she won't come back and you will probably marry someone else, Nobody could replace Mommy's place in being my mommy, daddy! Especially in my heart 'cause mommy is special!".

(A/N: ^^" did that make sense? Hehe.. I guess not?)

Izuki felt his throat going dry and his heart being squeezed. He sighed, he didn't like it when Karin becomes like this. It would take a few hours before she could finally talk to him again.

Suddenly, he got an idea.

"But" he said, catching her attention causing her to look up at him slowly "Miss Haruka will be your new mother, starting from the day the wedding is done. Come on, sweetheart! Try to be happy about that at least.. I thought you adored miss Haruka, don't you?" The red haired adult grinned at his small daughter.

Karin glanced at the pink haired woman that stood behind them awkwardly and looked back at her father "But-but.. daddy!" She whined, and stopped when her father gave her a please-just-do-it-for-me look and sighed "alright.. I'll try to be happy" she told her father "for both of you guys" she remembered someone else "a-and Sakura-chan".

Izuki stood up with a happy grin and ruffled her already messy red hair, receiving a small "ack!" From her. "That's my girl!" He smiled down at his daughter who was trying to fix her hair "I'll do my best to make you and your new family happy. Thank you for supporting, sweetheart".

She gave him a smile of her own in return, before she realized something "Wait, daddy, should I tell Sakura-chan about this?" She asked the tall male.

Instead of Karin's own father answering, Haruka answered the girl's question instead "No need, Karin. I'll tell her tonight.. though I doubt she won't be hesitant to comply..".

Karin grinned cheekily at her "Of course. It is Sakura-chan we're talking about".

They all laughed, before Karin broke the happy tension in the room they were currently in with her realization.

"Wait. Miss Haruka, speaking of Sakura-chan, where is she anyway?".

All was silent until Haruka ran out of the room and house screaming "I can't believe I forgot about my own daughter!!" And "I promised her I'll come back after an hour!! It's already pass that! She'll hate me forever!!".

The two Uzumakis chuckled at the woman, "You think your new mother would be an awesome one, Kar-Kar?" Her father asked his daughter, adding the nickname he used to call her when she was 2.

Karin didn't mind it though "Yeah.." she answered.

'But no mother would be more awesome than my real one'.


I. Freakin'. Love. Karin. With. Burning. Passion.

I only made her seem like a bitch in the previous chapters only becayse it was needed for the plotline.



~Imma Queen :3,      

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