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Hi! I am soooo sorry for this late update!! Please forgive me *bow*

Anyways, the sleepover! It was soooooo much fun!!! I brought my tab with me and answered some of the comments of you guys, Mostly AliceNoSakura's    -_-' -_-' -_-' but she was fun to chat with so... i ended up chatting with her for 2 hours and my friends kept complaining hehee...

Anyways, AliceNoSakura is mah Fav Commenter, YAY!! But she said 'No! I should not be proud of being Alfa-Senpai's Fav commenter 'cause you're such a sadistic demon' or somethin' like that, i forgot.


Anywho... let's get this over with!!

Disclaimer : I don't own naruto nor will I ever.

Bold:- black zetsu, inner saku, me

Italic:- memories, dreams, flashbacks, last chapter previews, thoughts.

Normal:- story, people talking.


The Past Behing Sakura, Gaara And Sasori

In the last chapter:

The blond shook his head in response as a 'yes', since he was still crying over the little girl's message.

Tsunade did some hand signs and they all dissapeared into thin air, only leaving bright lights in their places as they went back to their own time.

In this chapter:

Blinding white light engulfed The Hokage's office as people started to appear out of the white.

A certain Sun-kissed Blond started towards the door and opened it, making everyone in the room watched him with curious eyes.

"Naruto, where are you going?" A platinum blonde ANBU asked, eyeing the Sun-kissed blonde.

The other people copied what Ino did- They watched Naruto as he walked out of Tsunade's office with slow yet heavy footsteps.

"W-wait! Naruto... if you want, You could visit her grave" Tsunade told him, not wanting for Naruto to be sad for the rest of his life.

Naruto turned his head at the depressed looking Hokage and watched her with red, puffy eyes "Sure" he said with a gentle smile.

Tsunade smiled at his response and walked towards him. She held his hand and ignored his confused gaze as she did another hand sign, this time- she used one hand since her other hand was holding Naruto's.

"Wait!" A voice interrupted Tsunade's concentration- She looked at the guilty culprit with narrow-slittled eyes and saw that it was a certain red-haired Akatsuki member, Akasuna Sasori- the reincarnated puppet that Sakura has killed a year ago but was now a real human.

The female Hokage sighed and asked, still annoyed "what?".

The red-head looked down at his shuffled feet, embarrassed that he would be asking something he thought would never ever happen in a million years "C-could i come with you two? To the little girl's grave i mean" He asked, shy.

The people around was confused to say at least, Sasori- the puppet who was destroyed by Tsunade's apprentice, just asked if he could visit his killer's grave.

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