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I was busy since school started and my class advisor is really strict so she keeps giving us -my classmates and i- homeworks, seatworks, projects.. Etc.

Anyways! lets go!

Disclaimer: I don't own naruto nor will I ever.

Bold:- black zetsu, Me.

Italic:- memories, dreams, flashbacks, last chapter previews, thoughts.

Normal:- story, people talking.


Forgetting Her First Love

In the last chapter:



In this chapter:

The people glanced between the red-head and the ghostly pinkette, wondering how they knew each other.

Most of them had shock written on their faces while some kept their cool.

Even though they were surprised.

Tsunade sighed and rubbed her temples "You know what? Just-just explain about your state, Sakura and then explain about your relationship with Karin".

Sakura shrugged "Eh alright" she said lazily then floated higher into the sky.

That's when the others look into her appearances.

Sakura's whole body was slightly see-through except for her hair and eyes. Her pink hair was longer and her bangs were pushed aside with a small white flower pin.

(A/N: just like Saku-chan's hair in Boruto the movie but longer)

Her emerald eyes were vibrant and full of cheerful emotions. She wore a white kimono with big light blue flower-like designs on it and dark blue obi secured around her petite waist.

(A/N: look at the picture above)

"Well," Sakura started "It began when i died in the battle, right when i collapsed lifelessly onto the cold ground-".

"Bitch, you're talking like as if you're narrating a fucking story" Hidan interrupted and got a deathly glare in response from the dead rosette.

"It's because i am telling a story, a story of how i am still in this world and not in the afterlife, dimwit" Sakura told him with a scowl.

The floating girl waited patiently for the Jashinist to say something back to her.

After a minute or two of silence, Sakura sighed and continued "as i was saying- right when i collapsed lifelessly onto the cold ground" She glared at Hidan "I knew instantly that i would pass onto the next life and leave the world forever. Well, at least that's what i though before i suddenly appeared in some cool white dimension room thingy or whatever" The people sweatdropped at her choice of words.

"and well, i looked down on my state and was suprised to see myself floating! i was just there, floating, looking intently on my floating form that i didn't realized someone was looking at me weirdly. Well, i haven't realized she was even with me until she caught my attention by clearing her throat, of course" The roseatte chuckled sheepishly.

"I looked up and saw THE Kaguya Ootsutsuki! I was shocked to say at least, so i just stood there -or floated- in front of her awkwardly. It was quiet and very awkward for a while before Kaguya-sama broke it. She asked me if i wanted to pass onto the afterlife and watch over the people i cared for or if i wanted to stay in Earth so i could watch over and protect my loved ones instead, and of course being me, i chose the latter" She continued.

"Kaguya-sama nodded her head before telling some catches that will appear when i go back here. One of them is that my soul will permanently stay in where i was buried, unless there is danger or trouble that happened to one of my loved ones, i should stay here" she said with an annoyed face- probably wanting to get out of where she was currently stuck in.

"what are the other catches?" Her shisou asked.

"Well, i would not be able to remember my bad memories. Only the good, happy ones are stored in my head now" She said while cheekily patting her head softly.

"you mean you could not remember any horrible events that happened to you, Sakura-chan?!" Naruto asked, his eyes wide.

Sakura giggled childishly before grinning widely at him and the others "Nope!" she chirped.

"Oh! also.. I wouldn't and couldn't be able to remember the people who hurt me in the past. I would completely forget about them" she said.

Most of the people finched and looked over to Sasuke's way.

The young Uchiha scoffed arrogantly before asking his former pink teammate "You still remember me, right Sakura?".

The roseate tilted her head, watching him curiously before saying "No, i'm sorry, i don't. Who are you?".

It felt like as if time had just stopped before resuming when Sasuke felt a painful stab to his heart when she said those three little words.

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I'm sorry but you would have to wait for the next chapter to know about Karin and Saku's relationship!

Anyways, that's all for now! BYE!!

~From Lovely Authoress,


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