Comeback From Vancouver

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Jaejoong phone's ringtone is blaring, making him groaning in annoyance. Fuck! It's Saturday! Let me wake up a bit late! He thinks.

He knows, as a psychiatrist, he have to always be there anytime, whenever his clients need him. But this is too much. He haven't had enough sleep for these past two weeks since he's appointed as the new leader of the psychiatric department at his hospital.

"Hello..." With both eyes still shut tightly, Jaejoong finally answers the call. He was expecting to hear one of his client's voice, but now he can only hears the overly joyful Taeyong on the other side.

"Uncleeee, can you please pick me up at the airport now?"

Jaejoong groans. "Just take a taxi, Tae! I'm still sleepy. Bye!" Jaejoong ends the call, ready to go back to sleep, but less than a minute later his phone rings again. Taeyong, of course. He should've just turned off his phone!

"Uncle, come oooon, I'm bringing too many luggages. I bought something for you too uncle. And you know what, most of these things are yours."

"Fine! Wait for me." Actually Jaejoong could just ignore Taeyong, but he knows too well if he ignores Taeyong now, later Taeyong would bring this matter up often and blackmails him, saying he's irresponsible, bad uncle, etc... etc. It's his fault telling his nephew to bring him his old text books, journals, and clothes from his sister's house in Vancouver!

An hour later, at the airport.

"I thought you'd be back next week, Tae." Jaejoong helps Taeyong with the luggage.

Taeyong grins and chuckles softly. "Someone said he's been missing me."

Jaejoong has a feeling he doesn't want to know who that someone is.

"Uncle, can you drop me off to Jaehyun's place?"

Jaejoong rolls his eyes. "This early?"

Taeyong nods eagerly.

Jaejoong sighs. "He didn't come to the therapy session yesterday. What make you think he's at his home right now? Have you called him?"

"No. I want to give him surprise." Taeyong's gaze is really tender and full of excitement.

"Taeyong, you know Jaehyun is... different, right? You can't expect him to always available for you."

Taeyong suddenly stops smiling. "I know." He heaves a deep sigh before saying, "But I hope he's there, Jaehyun, not his alter egos."

Picture of You [Jaeyong, Yusol] #JustWriteItWhere stories live. Discover now