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(Unedited work)

Chapter 5

Nandini's POV

I wake up and groggily make my way to the living area but what I see puts a sad smile on my face. There he is my dear brother  Lying on the sofa . I am so lucky to have a brother like him. But also disheartened for him that he has a sister like me who has only brought him pain and sadness.

Because of me only he has grown up beyond his age .He is trying to take my pain away and scaring those nightmares away just like a mother would do to her child . I am so blessed to have him as my brother but the things which I should do for him , he is doing it for me. I don't know why it happened but the dark incident of my past will haunt me for ever and he will be suffering with me too alongside.

I caress his face as tears starts flowing out of my eyes . He starts waking up and I quickly wipe my tears.

He sees me and smile. I try to respond him too. But my smile is lost forever because of that one big mistake I did which caused me my happiness.

"Good morning " He says.

"Morning. Why are you sleeping on the couch?" I narrow my eyes at him.

His face which was happy a second ago now turned stoic. I wait for his explanation.

"actually , some people came over yesterday night." He says without giving me any more information.

"Who?" I ask him.

"Fine, I will tell you but you have to promise me that what I will ask you to do, you will do that ." he asks me .

I am surprised to see this. This is the first time he has asked me to do something for him and I will be happy to do that but what 'that' is?

"Hmm. OK." I say and make my way towards the kitchen slab to make my coffee but what he says make me stop.

"Fab 5 and Harshad came over."

With that my mind takes a u turn. How dare they?

"So?" I ask.

"I promised them that you will treat the small little girl who is pure and doesn't have to bear the sins of her family. She is innocent you should help her." He pleaded in his soft tone.

"When did I say that I will not treat her. I have checked her and briefed the doctors and by that I mean Dr David & Dr Black .The same procedure which we do for everyone is implemented on Amy Saxena too. She is not an exception and beside there is no way that she could be saved. I am a doctor not a god, Rishabh. Her symptoms are too high." I say this clearly .

I know I may sound rude but this is what life is and being a doctor has made me realize this that we have to let go . Everything cannot be according to our wishes. We have to accept the fate.

If they thing that I am not treating the innocent child because of my animosity to them then they are dead wrong because I am not that selfish or sadistic to do such heinous act.

"But at least you can treat her much better in your personal care and the lab you have created for your experiments and I know that this is too much too ask but we are not like them. So, please understand OK. Otherwise everything is your wish. They will be here shortly let me know about your decision about that.

I know this will be difficult for me but for Rishabh I can do this. After all he has asked me to do this. It will be tough but I will deal with it. Life has taught me its meaning in a hard way. I know how they will feel after six month when that innocent soul will leave this world but there will be satisfaction too in me that atleast I saw them in pain for once . How they feel when someone they love is snatched away from them. How to live with the pain your entire life.

I know this seems bad and sinful to see joy in others suffering but what can you expect from a person who has felt and endured enormous pain and betrayal from them. I know it still just not justify my hatred to see them in pain when they lose Amy but deep down in my heart it will be a revenge for him.

My heart clenches to even think about him. I don't know why all that happened but I know this that fab5 the so called friends before family is responsible for this.

So, with a heavy heart I make my mind to see them in my territory and play with their lives for once and maybe by serving that innocent girl would just give me some good. I will help her with all my heart but the other leeches which will be tagged with her will not have ant place in my life .

I will never put an eye to eye with them.

With that in my mind I determine that I am going to fight this too after all I can handle little more pain , I mean if an innocence girl can take pain then I can also bear a little amount of that.

I go shower and get dressed up in a jeans shorts and a tank top. With that I hear some commotion in my house.

Oh! So the fools arrived.

I go down to welcome them. I smirk at the thought.

"Fine you guys have allotted rooms in our guest house. Amy will also be staying there with you but except her no one is allowed  to come inside the main house. " Rishabh explained them.

"What you are not our warden who will tell us our allotted rooms and all the rules and shit." Alya screeched.

They didn't noticed me standing here at the corner and witnessing their zoo show.

"Really little bitch. Well, firstly don't screech too loud as I am not your bloody boy toy." Rishabh said motioning towards Dhruv " and beside that my house , my rule. Deal with the ' rule & shhiit' or make your way out. The door is this way" .

I laugh at this sentence of his but no laughter comes out of my mouth. It is like that from the past 12 years. But I totally got Rishabh's reference about the boy toy and rule shit. He was mocking them on behalf of me. What he said is true anyways Dhruv never says anything without staying quite and well Alya can't stop screaming and flaunting herself.

He must have noticed that now these peas are together.

I am proud to be his sister. I wish every girl should get a brother like him who protect their families without having any regret. I know that I am not good enough for him but I am also thankful that I am blessed with such a kind person as a brother.

I come out of my haze when I feel two pair of eyes on me. In move my head to see those dark eyes with whom I fell in love with once but not now and never will I reciprocate his feelings again. What he did has made me a stone . Earlier which was my heart is now just a thing which gives me life not any feelings.

Because I have learnt a hard way that love and feelings makes you weak and dependent on others who are not good enough for any of these love and feeling.

"Stop shouting in my house" I say with a stern cold voice.


Hi guys! Here is the chapter. I know I am late but my exams are still on . Today I have holiday so I wrote this for you.

Now the story is going to start , all the dark revelations and Nandini's past will come out.

So from the next chapter story is going to be private.

Do tell me what do you think about this chapter . I will wait for your response.


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