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Hi lovelies!

Thank you for your support. Here is a little something for you.



I am really tired after my shift  today.
It was damm hectic. I am really tired .
It is unbelievable for me that I am feeling something without emptiness in my life.

They say that time changes people. Some say that time will heal you.

But time doesn't heal a anything......
It just teaches you how to live with pain.

It is damn hard to remember those painful memories and go on with my life like nothing happened.

All those great talks and thoughts just look good while they are just preaching. It is really bad to implement in our life.

Well, I can hide from my past but cannot runaway from it. I know this is true because every night I come here and see all those haunting images that I got . It seems like yesterday ,that all the shit happened in my life.

I don't know if I will ever forget that day. It still haunts me every second of day and night. I face my terrors.

Its been 12 years . Still, I remember that day as clear as water.

The day I lost him. I will never forget that day.

A lone tear escape my eyes. My still terrorizing nightmares which doesn't let me sleep.

To carry the ever constant pain in my heart has became my life.

I can never be that girl I was at 17. All thanks to them. Those two horrible persons .

I hate with my deepest soul . I wish they both could feel even an ounce what I had felt these past 12 years.
Just a bloody glimpse so that I can feel the satisfaction.

Now at the age of 30 , I still am in that zone I was that horrible day.

It  made me Strong and non dependent woman but with a great loss.

I still remember that day.


Here is it.

How was it? Who these two people are? What happened 12 years back?

What do you think let me know through your precocious comments and of course please please please vote.

I am busy with my exams still on your request I wrote this part at least by giving me a feedback you can appreciate my work.

Thank you.


Manan : love hurts!! (18+)Where stories live. Discover now