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Chapter 7

Nandini's POV

"Hi Amy how are you feeling now?" I ask her politely .

"I am good , Miss Doctor." She responded with a smile.

It is good to see her smiling face such a lovely kid but has the worst parent in the world. How I wish that she could be saved but I am not god and beside my wishes are hardly fulfilled.

"Doctor Aunty Amy will be good again right" asked Ayan. Apparently he is also Harshad's son but from Navya. He doesn't know about his true father. He believes that Cabir is his father.

I can see that life is real twisted maze . Everyone has their own problem and pain and they have to fight for it.

I mean how can god be so cruel about taking away the best thing from people ? I know I said that I want to see fab5 and that vile man suffer but it will be completly heart breaking to see one more innocent soul leaving the life. This thought brings tear to my eyes.

"Miss doctor why are you crying?" Asked Amy.

"Nothing Amy. It is nothing. Now listen to me carefully sweet girl. Don't take me as a doctor just think of me as a friend just like Ayan, okay. " I tell her sweetly.

"OK." She replies meekly.

I know by saying this she will not instantly become a sort of friend or we will have a special bond but we have to start at the Beginning.

"Now do you have problem taking your medicine or you easily take them?" I ask.

"No, I don't have any problem like that." She said.

"That's good. Now I am telling you something that you have to follow okay." I ask her and she nods.

"No pinky promise me then I will tell you" I ask her by making silly faces.

Then she giggles like a sweet little girl. "Really , how can you be a doctor? They never ask for any pinky promises and dad told me that all these things are waste and are done by foolish people." She asks.

I should know that foolish people give foolish advice to others but god bless this soul to bear him.

"Well he is a stupid dude if he thinks like that because pinky promises are the best ones." I tell her.

"I agree and pinky promise I will follow whatever you say." She said smiling.

"Okay then you can't run around the house as it will make you tired.
And one more thing whatever you want to do or wish to have you should ask me as I am a super girl. You know doctor and friend so you can have your advantages. " I ask her wiggling my eyes.

Then Ayan starts laughing so hard that I think he is out of breathe.

"What Ayan? " I ask him confused.

"You are cool. Super cool. Manik uncle and Alya aunty said you were a very bad aunty but a good doctor . Like Godzilla type. Mean and bad but they are so stupid . You are cool doctor. I love you , you are very pretty." He says with a sweet blush on his cheeks.

"Oh ! Wow, I am flattered Ayan. You love me." I ask him teasingly.

"Yes! You are pretty and a good doctor. You are helping Amy." He said with a shy smile

How sweet? An innocent heart without tainted by the ugly truth of life.

I give him a small smile. "Why so sad miss doctor?" Asked Amy.

I turn around "What sad?" I ask.

"Your smile. It was just like..." She stopped. And I am amazed with her. How can she see what is behind my smile.

"Its nothing Amy. I smile like this only." I tell her.

"No, I saw your eyes." She said in a sad voice. Ayan was confused. I wanted to know why she thought I gave them a sad smile. So I asked Ayan to go and olau outside and Amy will join him in a second.

He left .  Now I have the perfect opportunity.

"What were you saying darling? My smile is just like whom?" I ask her and she makes a sad face.

Then I knew whose smile is like me that she is relating. She is the one who is sad.

"Why Amy why are you sad?" I ask sweetly and go near her.

She starts crying. I engulf her in a hug. "What baby? Are you okay? You can tell me?" I ask her.

" Mom and Dad always says that I am a bad news. Only bring problem to them. Dad says Ayan is good and normal. I am very bad to be like this. They always pity in me." She said in between her cries.

"Oh ! Sweet baby. It is not like that . Don't cry it's not true. You understand." I tell her.

"You are a blessing. A child is always a blessing but they won't understand this . They are self-centered." I tell her the truth.

"But he said I am always going to hospital and I know I am going to die but they never have time for me. I just wish that for just last days of my life I get to feel a parent's love." She tells me.

"Oh darling! Don't worry.  I am here you can always share your feelings with me." I try to stop her cries.

Listening all this is making my heart clench. How could they? They do not have any shame left? Why are they trying to treat her if they want to make her miserable? I can't believe that once I thought that her death will cause them pain like I feel but no it will just be a flick of sadness for them to lose her. They are not going to feel the pain I want them to feel.

"What are you doing? Ate you torturing her?" Asked an angry voice.

You can guess who this fool is  Mr Malhotra.

"Amy baby go and play but don't stress too much okay." I tell her sweetly and give her a peck on her forehead .

She humms and leaves.

I wipe my face and turn around to see him. "What are you doing here? Last I checked you are not allowed to enter here then why?" I ask him .

"Well I have to keep you in check that you don't do anything wrong with Amy. After all you only know how to back stab the people around you." He said menacingly.

I just give him my cool stare. He is talking about backstabbing and pain and yeah torturing, the one expert himself. Well I will not waste any more breathe of mine on him. He can go to hell for all I care.

He will never understand what I feel ? He will be always like this? No one has truly stood up for me. They are blaming Me. He is blaming me and calling me names the one I one thought loved me. Well now I know how bad choices I have made in my life?

Will he even feel a little bit pain if I tell him the truth. Will he be in agony if he knew what he truly lost?

I think not he will only thing that I am lying.

Wow! My life sucks. All because of that fucking love.

Love hurts!

Love hurts!

Love hurts!


Here is the chapter. Tell me your reviews. Ignore the typos .

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Love roumania.

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