Chapter 24: Shot in the Light

Start from the beginning

My grandpa settled me into a chair near Wes's head. The action left me breathless.

"What happened?" I brushed my fingers through his hair, pulling back when they found clumps of dried blood.

"Kyle called back the rest of the soldiers and we surrounded the clearing, hiding back in the trees. When James made his move to retreat we knew it was time to interfere. Ronan shot James and we were able to get you. Cain was disabled and we managed to get Wes back here. That was the short version, sorry."

"What's happening now?" I couldn't take my eyes off Wes, my ears recorded every breath to ease from his lungs.


That startled me enough to look up. "War?"

He nodded, cautious.

"What does the outcome look like?" I wanted to wash the blood from Wes's hair and face, but I could barely move.

"It's too early to tell. Cain's forces are at about half and we are the same."

"Where is Ronan and Kyle?"

"Last I saw Ronan was when he shot James and he carried you here. Kyle helped with Wes for a moment but then got called away to help look for Cain." He looked down at his hands.

"Wait, where's Cain?" My eyes darted from Wes to my grandpa.

"He and a few of his men bolted when James was shot."

I was just about to answer when Wes groaned softly. I shifted all my attention to him. My hand wrapped around his and the other rested against his hair.

"It's okay, I'm here," I whispered, leaning into him and brushing the hair back from his eyes.

His hand spasmed around mine as he struggled to open his eyes. I barely noticed my grandfather in the background. I smoothed my thumb over his cheek and leaned closer to press a kiss to his forehead. Slowly his eyes opened and he squinted at me. I stared back, a small smile on my lips, letting him know I was okay.

"I love you," he breathed, an undercurrent of urgency in his tone.

My smile wobbled, "I know." Relief washed through my system like summer rain. He squeezed my hand stronger this time then closed his eyes.

His breathing grew rhythmic and I watched him until my grandfather broke the silence.

"He should begin to recover quickly now that you're here and he's able to get good sleep."

"Good," I said and let myself relax into the chair, but winced as I remembered my own injuries. I pulled in a deep breath as pain radiated from different points in my body.

"I'll go see if I can find someone to help you." He turned and walked out of the tent, leaving me with Wes.

I shifted gingerly and moved my body slowly until I could rest my forehead against Wes's shoulder. Even the small contact of our skin touching dulled the pain a little. A cold breeze blew in from the open tent flap and I shivered. I wanted to know what was going on outside the tent. It killed me to know that Cain had gotten away when we had been so close to taking him out. Although my grandfather never said that James was dead, it sure did sound like it, considering that Cain just left him. The sound of approaching footsteps interrupted my thinking and I slowly sat up as my eyes filled with tears from the sharp pain in my ribs.

My grandfather was accompanied by Dr. Byre who looked shaken but intact. In his right hand he held his usual black medicine bag.

"Hello, Adelle." He offered a kind smile.

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