And there goes mom

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(sorry for the slight delay for this chapter)



"What did I just do?" I whispered, crumpling in on myself. 

I avoided looking at my mother and settled for staring at the pool of blood on the floor. 

"I'll talk to him, Harper" Sean whispered, "I swear to you I didn't know he was dealing again"

I nodded, "Did you know about him and Kyle?"

Sean awkwardly turned to Kyle who nodded, eyes red, "I'm going to get him out of this, it's all my fault"

"You should go, Kyle" Andrew's deep voice rang out and he bit his bottom lip, "Now"

"I never wanted him to get sued, Andrew" Kyle cried, "I didn't even know it was that big of a deal!"

"And that's why nobody told you!" I grunted, "You couldn't be trusted"

"Kinda like you couldn't be trusted?" I stood taken aback by her dark tone and only looked away.

Andrew laughed drily, "Do you know what this means? He'll lose the show, they'll recast him and he'll be blackballed. The media will drag him through the mud and no self respecting agent will touch him with a ten foot singlehandedly ruined his life, Kyle"

I heard a phone vibrate and Andrew pulled his phone out of his pocket, "And there you have it"

"What?" I asked quietly.

His bright eyes softened and he looked away, "You know how Ethan's agents been calling him the past couple of days? Well he was calling him to inform him that he could no longer represent him and directed him towards a lawyer...Gracie's making this public"

Kyle looked like she couldn't breath and, honestly, it felt kind of good to know I wasn't the most hated person in the room. 

"Kyle...leave, now" Andrew said one last time, unable to look at her, "If you're the reason my best friend loses his dream, I will ruin your life"

"Andrew" Sean exclaimed, "You can't threaten her like that"

Andrew only shook his head and smiled without emotion, "Call it a promise"

Kyle drew her small frame up from the ground and hiccuped one last sorry before disappearing out the door. 

"Guess who won!" A new voice sounded and I rolled my eyes as Chandler and Tyler appeared at my room door, "Did someones water break in here or something?"

"Now isn't the time, Chandler" Andrew grumbled, "Just make sure Seth and Trish stay out there"

"Why should we stay out OH MY GOD" 

I was honestly too numb to even be surprised as Seth, Trish, and Harlow came in next. 

Trish stared from the ground, to Andrew, and back, "What did you do?"

Andrew scoffed, "Thanks for the vote of confidence...That's Jude's blood"

Seth said absolutely nothing as he covered Harlow's eyes and exited the same way he had come. 

"Maybe we should tell everyone to go home...This looks like a crime scene" Trish whimpered, finally staring at me. 

"No!" I snapped, "this is yours and Seth's party, you can't miss it"

"It isn't much of a party considering someone probably bled out?" Chandler said quietly, rubbing his jaw, "What did we miss?"

"Not as much as I have" 

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