The Hero's Past

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~The Hero's Past~

Whispers, getting louder and louder. Following his every move, no matter where he went. All he wanted was peace and quite, yet whispers is all he heard. Every night, the ten year old would hold his head, praying for the noise to stop. What he then realized, was that he had a gift. A telepathic gift.

Charles Adam discovered he was telepathic when he was watching a movie with his family. In silence, he could "hear" his family's thoughts. After that, Charles figured out that the noises were the thoughts of other people.

Charles was slowly able to control the thoughts around him, enough for the voices to go away. He was happy that the whispers were finally gone. His parents had thought he was crazy with all the headaches and his cries for help. They never thought their son was a mutant and Charles made sure they wouldn't find out.

His older brothers, Richard and Benjamin, had always teased him. Charles loved his parents but hated his brothers. They would always beat him, tease him and even pull bad pranks on him. The last prank they pulled put Charles in the hospital with a broken ankle.

Charles had tried running away before, to get away from his abusive brothers but failed. Richard had messed with him so bad that Charles had begun to use his powers on him. Ben had left for collage, so he wasn't around as much to bully him.

Richard had began to be more abusive by using weapons on Charles. When their parents were out of town, the boys would fight till the end. Richard had broken into the alcohol cabinet and had gotten completely drunk. Richard's hatred for Charles grew with each sip and at the last strike, Charles reviled himself as a mutant.

He froze Richard in place before he had a chance to strike. With a flick of his wrist, Charles erased Richard's memory clean and placed new ones. After that, Richard had become the loving brother Charles had always wanted. Charles knew that it was wrong of him to do so but he didn't care. Ben was another story.

One day at school, Charles decided to test his power. He scanned his class and read each of their minds, including his best friend Eric Masters. After some time in class, Charles had realized that they were talking to one another without noticing it. After a few more words, Charles and Eric confessed to being mutants to one another.

The boys became more like brothers after that day. They would train each other, help each other and anything else. Eric had even confessed about his past, before they had become friends. It worried Charles but he said, the past is the past and this is our future. They looked out for one another because they knew the world wouldn't accept them. Though, it caused some problems.

Charles could feel the hatred Eric had on world and tried to help him see things differently. Charles and Eric's friendship was slowly straining due to the difference. No matter what Charles did, Eric wouldn't listen. Charles had become the voice of reason, while Eric had become the voice of rage and aggression. Even with their disagreement, they both wanted to do good.

As time went on, Charles had begun to have massive headaches. He wasn't sure if it was his powers or not. Then suddenly, another voice was heard in his head but it was different. This voice was literally talking to him instead of talking about random things. It sounded like the voice belonged to an old man. Charles was scarred, so he had tried to force the voice out of his head.

The next day, the voice came back but this time, Charles had met the man in person. Waiting for his parents to pick him up from school, a man in a wheel chair and a woman with red hair came towards Charles. Naturally, he was about to run away but he heard the woman speak to him through her mind. She had told him the her name was Jean Grey and the man was known as Professor Charles Xavier.

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