Together At Last With A Hint Of Problems

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~Maka's POV~

"What are you talking about?" We all asked Kid. He had come home all quite one day and now that it's Friday, he seems excited about something.

"A friend of mine is going to help us out but we can't stay here." He said. He's been making us all pack of stuff again after we had just finished packing.

"Why? What the hell is going on?" Blackstar yelled as he shoved his stuff back in his bag.

"I can't tell you now. When we go to our new location, then I'll be able to speak. Until then, just trust me. It's for the good of the mission." Kid said as he finished packing Liz and Patty's stuff. As everyone, including myself, had finished packing, the bell rang.

Kid ran and opened the door. It was a pale boy with striking blue eyes. He had a black long sleeve shirt, dark jeans and white sneakers. He wore a red and black belt with an X on it. In his right hand, he carried a brown trench coat. Him and Kid shook hands and Kid let him in.

"Okay, before I say anything else, my boss is totally gonna kick my ass. Just pointing that out there." He said to Kid. Everyone wasn't wearing their disguises but the boy didn't care.

"Don't worry." Kid waved him off and grabbed his weapons stuff.

"Ummm, who's this?" We all asked.

"Kale Smith. I'm the one who.....messed up your mission." The boy with the blue eyes answered.

"Aren't you in my first class?" Tsuabki and Liz said in unison. Kale had nodded yes. I went back on the other subject.

"What do you mean?" I asked, putting my bags down on the floor.

"There's a lot to explain and I promise, you'll get your answers. Right now, is everyone ready?" He asked.

We all nodded. Kale smiled and a girl came inside the house. Wait....that's Destiny!

"Destiny?" I questioned. She looked up and saw me. She sighed, then stood.

"Yeah." She then turned to Kale. "Let's go before our team leader throws a fit." She barked at him.

"You're still mad at me, aren't you?" He asked her. She smiled and then punched his arm. She then left. Kale rubbed the place she punch and nodded. "Yeah, she's mad."

"Alright. Let's go." Kid said. Kid turned off all the lights in the house and we exited. Kale started banging on something but we couldn't see it. Suddenly, here was a click and a set of stairs appeared out of nowhere. A man in a black jacket came out.

"Let's go." The man with the cigar said and walked back inside. Kale looked back at us and waved to follow. He too, went inside.

All seven of us walked inside to see a huge area. Turns out, it was a jet. There were six seats up in the front area and two other seats for the pilot. There were control panels there as well. There in the cargo area, sat Destiny and a boy. The boy was the waiter from before.

"Kale!" I think his name was Charles. "Look what you've done now!" He yelled at him. Kale had helped us buckle up in the cargo seats and turned back to Charles.

"Shut up! You act like you're perfect." He mocked. Destiny was starring at the floor, leaving the two boys alone. The man with the cigar came in.

"If I hear you two argue, one more time, I swear you'll both be screwed." He demanded. The boys froze and sat done. The steps suddenly closed and I felt us take off into the air.

Charles went back to the front area with the man and I think my French teacher. Kale sat across from us and sat next to Destiny. She unbuckled herself and stood close to the stairs. Kale watched her.

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