The Villain's Future

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~The Villain's Future~

Darkness. Hatred. Betrayal. Words and memories that haunted him every moment of his life. Even with the "happiness" that he was granted with, he still has his own agenda. Insanity, creeping closer and closer, breaking everything he had ever thought.

Eric Masters had vowed that he would throw away his past and focus on his future. A future without darkness, hatred and betrayal. It was ironic how someone full of hate, wanted to get rid of a world full of hate.

The nine year old had discovered his mutant powers when he had gotten into an argument with his school teacher during. His anger towards her made the metal in the room shake and after a second had gone by, the metal pen in her hand had stabbed her heart. Not knowing what happened, he told people she had killed herself.

Eric hadn't told anyone about that day. He would watch the older kids bully the younger and his hatred for them grew. Eric would just sit on the short concrete wall and swing his legs back and forth, nodding his head to the laughter of others.

"Why does he sit there?" He heard someone say. "Because he has no friends." Someone else answered. Eric's head snapped up and he saw a group of kids on the other side of the playground. He had heard them speak from such a great distance. "Look away, he's watching!"

Suddenly, a clash of voices flooded his mind. Eric covered his ears to block out the sound but it was no use. "Calm down. Remember to breathe." Eric muttered to himself. After another minute, the voices slowly died down and Eric had realized the power he held.

He looked over at the group of bullies and focused on his new power. He wanted those boys to pay for hurting that kid. With a blink of an eye, the three boys now thought they were chickens. Eric watched as the boys danced around while flapping their arms.

The boy enjoyed mastering his powers, playing with his magnetism and his telepathy. He knew his cousin, Destiny, had powers but he wasn't sure if she knew about them. One day while walking home from school, Eric had seen a window in his house broken. Running inside, he saw blood marks covering the walls.

Eric walked through the his home, hopping that no one was home. As he walked into his living room, horror struck his face. His four year old brother, James, laid on the floor in a pool of blood. Before he could react, Eric had heard screams from upstairs. Not caring about his own safety, Eric crept up stairs, following the scream.

Eric had heard a gun shot go off, so he darted towards the room to find his father tied up to a chair with a blind fold on. There was a bullet wound right in the middle of his head. Eric looked over and saw a man dressed in black with a gun facing him. Behind the man was Eric's mother, tied up as well and badly beaten.

Sorrow and anger had mixed together and Eric's powers flooded through him. The man pointed the gun at Eric but stopped. The man let go of the gun to see it float in the air and slowly turn to him. Eric used both his powers to mess with the man and make him suffer. Eric had then realized that his mother wasn't moving.

James Masters, at four years old, was dead. His father, Alex Masters, had been shot and killed. Now, his mother, Mariana Masters, had been beaten to death. When Eric realized that, something in him a twig. Eric snapped his fingers and the man was shot over ten times, falling dead on the floor.

Eric's sanity returned and he ran to his other brother's room. When he went through the door, again, he saw only a dead body. Ryan Masters was two months. The cops had then barged through the front door and ran around the house. The neighbors had called the police. After time had passed, Eric was adopted by his aunt and uncle in Pennsylvania. It was Destiny's parents. Her parents had told Destiny and her sibling that Eric would be moving in but never told them why. Eric had kept it to himself, along with his powers.

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