A Mistaken Kiss

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~Rogue's POV~

"Wait until I catch you Kale." I mumbled to myself in my way to my room. He left me alone to explain to them about our pasts. "Bastard. I swear he's on thin ice. Where'd he go?" I gave up looking for him and went towards my room.

Before I walked into my room, I felt a hand on my shoulder. My reaction: grabbing the hand and tossing the body forward, which happened to be my room. When I looked up, it was Kid. He had landed on my bed.

"Umm I-I guess I should of called first." Kid chuckled. He stood and straightened out his jacket. "There, perfectly symmetrical." I could of sworn I saw a twinkle in his eye.

After about a minute, things had gotten really, really awkward. I haven't seen Kid in almost three years. I'm guessing the two girls that dressed alike were his weapons. He'd do something like that. He seems close to all of his team members. I never believed he was really anti-social anyway, I just thought he was shy.

I didn't realize that he was only a foot away from me. He raised his hand and hovered me cheek, as if waiting. I looked at him and then with his thumb, he wiped a tear from my cheek. I didn't know I was tearing up. He put his hand back down and put them in his pockets.

"You look pale." He stated, looking down on the floor.

"The energy I hold back is my own life force, so it slowly kills me. It goes away when I stop." I started playing with my hands. "It's a trick a learned a few years ago. It doesn't hurt though." He started moving his right foot back and forth.

"Must come in handy when you have to pretend to be normal." He gave me a shy smile and went back to shifting his foot.

"I'm sorry." I blurted out before more tears fell. His head shot up and he ran to me, embracing me in a tight hug.

"No, don't. It does-" I cut him off.

"I'm sorry I felt you like that. I just didn't want to hurt you and when you tried to kiss me, I felt so bad that I ran. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you and that day. I almost died when I saw you here and I couldn't believe that Eric had your file." I continued to rant. "I'm sorry for hurting you and leaving you in tears. I don't blame you if you hate me-"

"Destiny!" He caught my attention. "I don't-can't hate you. I-it wasn't your fault. Anyway, that's the past and this is now. We were just kids.....I should be sorry." He had grabbed my shoulders and put his head down. "I never thought I'd see you again."

"Same here. I planned to visit one day but it's kinda hard to plan a far away trip behind my parents back." He still had his head down. "They still don't know about my powers and all." I informed him.

Something had come over me, I didn't know what. I lifted Kid's head and stared in his gold eyes as he stared right back. Before I knew it, I kissed him and he kissed back. I wrapped my arms around his head and pulled him closer as he held me. He was cold, yet warm. I didn't realize I wasn't holding my energy back and I pushed him off.

I didn't take any of his powers but I got a hint of his memory and his thoughts. I saw fragments of his life flashing in my mind. It gave me headache as I saw his team mates, his father, his class and his girlfriend. Miranda, or should I say, Maka.

"I'm so sorry, I just couldn't help it." I put my head down in shame. Kale. I can't believe I kissed another guy but I didn't have control of myself. It's like someone made me do that......well that's what I want to believe.

"If you weren't gonna do it, I was." Again, he caught me attention. "I-I still love you. You are my first love and I will never forget that. Even though we technically cheated on our lovers, I" He cleared his throat. "I just wanted that one kiss." He touched his lips and looked off to the side.

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