Chapter 3: "#Vote"

Start from the beginning

Andrew was in the grade my older brother is in, Jackson.

Kyles P.O.V.

Lyla runs into the class room late. She drops her books and picks them up. Then she sits next to Zoey and I.

"Are you okay?" I ask her

"Huh? Oh, I'm great!" She gives a fake smile

I could tell shes lying...shes hideing something. Alex comes over to her and kisses her on the check. Lyla's face gets a little red.

"Hey Babe." Lyla smiles

"What's wrong?" Alex asked

Lyla gives me a look and then says "Nothing. Everything's good."

Sam's P.O.V.

Andrew was best friends with the new guy Nathan. So they both come over to us.

"I hate you!" Emma whispers

"I think there hot." Gina says smiling

"There coming! Act normal!" I tell them

Gina grabs her phone but it upside down. Emma starts to write on a piece of paper and I'm just stareing at them like a weirdo.

"Hey." Nathan says sitting down next to me. Andrew sits next to Emma.

Kyle's P.O.V.

"Hey babe? Could you get me a piece of paper over by the teachers desk. Please." Lyla tells Alex

"I got you." He smiles and starts to walk over to there

"I had sex with Jackson because I was drunk." Lyla says

"You did what!?!?!?" I ask her

"Oh my god." Zoey says

Alex was back to us and hands Lyla a piece of paper.

"What you guys talking about?" Alex asked as he is smiling

"The new episode of Scream." Zoey says fastly

"Oh? Lyla you watch that show?" Alex asked

"Well Zoey and Kyle got me into it." Lyla laughs nervously.

Lunch time...

I pull Lyla aside and tell her "Jackson is going to tell him. I think it's best if you tell him before Jackson does."

"Jackson and I made a deal." Lyla says

"Jackson won't keep his deal. Trust me."

"Why don't you let me handle my problems." Lyla says walking away.

"I'm just trying to help!" I yell

"Then stop!" She yells back

Sam's P.O.V.

"Do it Em!" I tell her

"Fine..." She says and runs up to Andrew.

"Hey? Wanna get coffee after school?" Emma asked Andrew

Andrew smiles and says "Sure."

"Great!" Emma says "See you later!"

Emma walks back to me and hugs me hard.

"I'm guessing it went good?" I ask her

"It went great!" Emma says smiling

"We should have a girls night tomorrow." Gina jumps in

"I'm down for it." Emma and I both say

Kyle's P.O.V.

"Who am I going against?" I ask Zoey

"Jackson..." Zoey says

"Yes going down." I say with a smirk

The person in the speaker says "As you are about to get lunch, make sure to vote for your school president!"

I see Nathan in the hallways and I run up to him.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask

Nathan says "Yeah, sure."

"What are we?"

Nathan pulls me in closer and kiss me on the lips.

"Does that answer it?" Nathan says with a smirk

"Yeah." I say itching my head

A guy runs into us and drops a book that says How To Use a Gun. The guy says "You people discuss me." Then he walks away.

Nathan and I both laugh it off.

"Hey, wanna do homework together?" Nathan asks me

"Sure, I'd love to." I say and walk back to Zoey. Zoey gives me a high five.

Last period...

"The votes are in." The person on the speaker says

I grab Zoey and Lyla s hands...

"Our school present is...."

I grab there hands tighter.

"Kyle Johnson!"

Zoey and Lyla hug me. My heart stops beating and I smile. I can't believe I just won school president.

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