Dear Diary 9

13 3 3

Adam's POV


I walked over to the door and studied the picture.  It's beautiful.

"Is it true ?" I asked and looked at  him. He nodded.
"My mom died a few weeks ago." He replied. I felt sorrow crawl through my stomach.
"I'm sorry." I said.
"It's OK." He said. I studied the picture again and....

(A/N from now it's no longer gonna be a POV)

Dear Diary,

Adam came over. He was looking at my drawings. I told him everything. I got this kind of feeling towards him. I..I think I like him. But i'm not sure. And besides, he wouldn't like me back.

We started asking each other questions, getting to know each other better. Turns out he likes alot of things that I do. He plays the guitar and piano. And he can sing, really good actually.  He sang for me. But it didn't seem like he was singing for me to hear his voice. It was like he was singing the words and meaning it. Cause through the whole time, he was staring directly into my eyes. I couldn't stop staring at him. Even after he was done with the song.

He left a while ago. He- he kissed me. But not on the lip. He kissed my cheek. It took him by surprise cause he wasn't expecting me to smile. Yeah, I smiled. I was shock as hell but I still smiled. It felt...warm having his lips against my cheek. Maybe if I'm lucky I might even be able to get it on my lips next time.

I'm running out of things to say diary. Well I guess this is goodbye now. And if you're wondering if he ever found out that I cut, then he didn't. And won't ever find out. I won't let him.

Bye Diary, I'll talk to you later. Right now it's 9 PM and I'm getting really tired. Bye.

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