Dear Diary 8

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Adam POV


I decided to use the bathroom in his room. The other one is too far. Yeah, i'm lazy asf. When I opened the door, I was shocked to see all these drawings on the wall. And they had one stuck to the door. I looked over the one on the door and smiled. It's beautiful. I then frowned thinking if what he drew was real.

I then snapped out of my thoughts when my bladder began to hurt.
"Shit." I mumbled and ran into the bathroom. When I was done. I washed my hands, walked out and began to go over the pictures again. One of the pictures I saw had two boys. One had his back faced towards the other. Both was crying. Funny, that boy looked just like Jayden. But it couldn't be. Wait a minute. Now I know where I've seen Noah before. He was that little boy who saved me, well not really, when I was younger. Jayden's best friend. But, why would Jayden tell me that he bullies this kid named Noah.

Then it hit me. So the picture is true. Oh God, poor Noah.
"Noah, can you come up here for a moment." I called out. Minutes later, Noah came into the room looking confused.

"What do you-" he began but stopped. He looked like he had seen a ghost. He didn't want me to see them didn't he. He must of forgot about them when he told me about the bathroom in his room.

"Are these drawings true ?" I asked. He gulped and shook his head.
"Don't lie Noah." I said. He bit his lip and looked away. A few seconds later, he nodded.
" So he really did leave you ?" I asked. He nodded again.
"I'm sorry. Do you remember years ago, when Jayden was beating up a little boy ?" I asked. He thought about it then said,
"Yeah, I was walking to the bathroom and-"
"And saw your best friend beating that little boy up. When you was about to make a move the principal came. Do you remember that little boy's name ??" I cut him off. He looked at me shocked.
"H-how did you...No..I don't remember his name." He replied.
"Think Noah." I said smiling. His face dropped and then his eyes widened.
"It really was you back then ? You were that little boy Jayden was beating up ?" He asked shocked. I nodded.

"Oh my God. I'm so sorry." He said and bit his bottom lip. I chuckled.
"Nothing to be sorry for. Now let's talk about this picture over there." I said pointing at the one on the door.


Heyyy  guys !! Next chapter will be a POV again. But...How was that ?? Did you like it ?? I, kinda, did. Anyways, it's late and I'm tired. So don't forget to leave a comment and vote. It might save a puppy's life. Love you guys !! 😁😍😘😋

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