Chapter 3

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He watched his two friends go with Samantha and turned back to Mr. Waylon. The teacher sighed and cleared his throat, getting off of the bleachers and blowing his whistle to warn the other students. He jogged over to the man, who looked to have a heavy limp, and stopped in front of him.

"What do you think is wrong with him?" Macy asked no one in particular. The three boys shrugged and saw Mr. Waylon step away from the man quickly as he swung at him.

"I'm gonna go see if I can help," Anthony said. Macy stepped in front of him and shook her head.

"I don't think that's a good idea," she said. Anthony brushed past her and stopped in his tracks when he saw one of the other boys was already at the teacher's side. When Mr. Waylon turned his back to address the student, the crazed man jumped onto him and bit into his neck, nails digging into his face and tearing his skin. His screams made all of the students stop what they were doing, staring in paralyzed fear. The boy that had offered aid backed away when the teacher dropped to the ground like a ragdoll. Switching his target immediately, the man jumped onto him next, tearing a chunk out of his nape.

"Oh shit..." Dean mumbled. The other kids had started running back inside screaming as more people came in the way the first man did; there had to be a good twenty of them. The group picked up their stuff and ran inside with the others, Anthony seeing Mr. Waylon get back up just as he got inside. He took a glance back and saw some of the other students go down with one of the crazy people eating their flesh. The first thing he thought about was Cassidy and that she was with one of them, and he prayed that she was all right. They ran past the cafeteria and heard a girl scream; Brittany. Although they all disliked her, they stopped and ran to help. She was standing on a table kicking at a woman that had blood dripping from her mouth.

"GET HER AWAY FROM ME!" she cried. Lucas dropped his and Cassidy's bags and grabbed the woman by the arms, pushing her against the table with his body. She let out an ear piercing screech and pushed back hard, slamming him into the table behind them. He grunted and let go, the woman instantly turning on him and trying to bite whatever she could reach, but he held her back. Dean grabbed her and threw her to the floor, her head hitting against the tile and blood pooling around her fast. Brittany jumped down from the table and hugged Dean, burying her face into his shirt. "Thank you soooo much!" she said.

"Yeah, whatever," he said, pushing her away.

"She didn't hurt you or anything? Like a scratch?" Macy asked. Brittany glared at her and shook her head. "We didn't have to save you, you know. We coulda just kept runnin'," she growled through gritted teeth. Brittany looked at her, a bit panicked, and only nodded.

"So be fuckin' grateful," Anthony said, turning around to see some of the students that had gotten attacked on the way inside coming at them. "WE GOTTA MOVE!" Lucas picked up the bags he had dropped and the group continued running down the hall. They headed to the main entrance and saw all the glass was broken and more of the sick people were coming in. When they spotted the teens, they ran towards them screaming, their speed inhuman.

"In here!" Dean shouted, opening one of the classroom doors and darting in. The rest followed as the people slammed against the door just as they managed to close it.

"How the hell are we gonna get out now!?!" Brittany whined.

"How 'bout you stop your bitchin' and let us fuckin' think!?" Macy yelled at her. Brittany's green eyes glistened with tears and her face turned red, walking briskly to the other side of the room. Macy sighed and turned to the guys, flinching as the small sliver of glass on the door was broken, bloody hands reaching through. The boys looked around quickly and started to examine the window.

"Breakin' it," Anthony said, dropping his and Ashley's bags. He picked up a chair and threw it at the window, the glass shattering into tiny pieces. The banging on the door got louder and their groans turned deafening.

"That works," Lucas said. Anthony picked up the bags just as the door protecting them was broken down.

"OUT!" Dean yelled, jumping over the sill and broken glass. The others jumped after him with the hoard of people on their tail, Lucas taking the lead and running to his SUV. He unlocked the doors with the press of a button on his keychain and everyone got in quickly. The crazy people punched the car with their fists when the doors closed and their screams were just as loud as if they were in there with them. Lucas started the car and drove through them, the bodies rolling under the heavy vehicle and being crushed.

"What about Cassidy and Ashley!?!" Anthony exclaimed.

"If they're still in the school we can't go back in!" Dean said.

"But what if they're stuck in there??" Macy asked.

"We can't go back!" Brittany yelled.

"Stop it! If we know those two any better we know they're gonna get out fine, but we can't sit here and wait for them. I want to go back too but that's a stupid idea no matter how you look at it," he said. Macy slouched in her seat and let out a heavy sigh. They drove through the parking lot quickly, then suddenly the redhead jumped up and pressed her face against the window. She rolled it down at the sight of her two friends running out through one of the emergency exit doors on the side of the school.

"CASSIDY! ASHLEY!" she yelled to get their attention. The two girls waved as they slammed the door shut behind them. Lucas pulled up beside them and Macy opened the door to let them in; Ashely had blood splattered across her face and Cassidy looked tired. They drove off when they were settled.

"Are you two okay?" Anthony asked. They both nodded and Cassidy rolled over onto her side, laying her head on Ashley's shoulder.

"Get me a baby wipe out of my bag so I can get this stuff off my face," Ashley said. Anthony acted first and dug through her bag quickly, handing one to her. After she cleaned her face, she sat up straight. "My family didn't make it. My mom sent me a text saying she loved me and to get out of the school, but I don't think she knew he made it here already. She sent it too late... They were trapped in the house..." Cassidy hugged her friend as she started to cry quietly. The car went silent as they drove, seeing more of those people- No, things, eating others on the street. Anthony sighed and looked out the window, heart heavy knowing his family must have suffered the same fate. How'd it spread so fast? he asked himself as they drove through the bloodied streets.

"Take me home," Cassidy said after a while. "I want to see if my family is still there." Lucas nodded and did a U-turn. Anthony heard her take a deep breath, and he knew she was preparing herself for what she knew they would find when they got there.

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