Chapter 13

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When the three got back with the two newcomers, Ashley was there to open the gate. She saw Mason and gave Anthony a questioning look, but he only shrugged his shoulders roughly. Strider walked into the barn and stopped in front of his stable, letting Anthony jump off. He turned and held his arms out to Abby, putting on a soft smile to make her feel comfortable. The little girl reached down to him and she was easily lifted off of the horse. He placed her on the ground and she looked up at him with large, greyish-blue eyes, tears overflowing as she turned away and ran to Mason. Her brother was quick to take her in his tight embrace, his own lashes wet with a few tears.

"Shh, it's okay... It's okay, Abby. You're safe now, we're safe," he said soothingly as he stroked her hair. "Everything is all right now." Macy walked past as she pulled along Bella and Midnight, glancing at the siblings and then at Ashley. She nodded at her and the other girl nodded back, walking over to Mason and resting a gentle hand on his back.

"Let's get you two inside to calm down," she said. Mason sighed and nodded slightly, lifting his sister into his arms and following Ashley as she led the way. He gave an uneasy glance in Anthony's direction and got an eyeroll in return. Macy appeared next to the boy after taking care of the horses and ran a hand through her hair.

"We'll worry about them later," she said. Anthony looked down at her with hard brown eyes.

"I don't like him being here," he muttered.

"What did you expect us to do? Be brutes and leave him out there with his sister?"

"No, but still... Cass-"

"Is going to be fine. We're gonna deal with the issue just like we deal with Brittany." Anthony fully turned his body to face the redhead, deep frown on his face.

"I can put up with Brittany, but I'm not gonna put up with him. I know he -"

"Anthony." Macy cut him off again, staring back with a narrowed gaze. "Deal with it." The boy clenched his jaw and huffed, turning his glare elsewhere.

"Fine. I don't plan on getting all buddy-buddy with him and Cass won't handle it well either."

"You don't know what she can handle. I get you want to protect her, but stop babying her. I know she's hurt right now and she needs to be cared for at the moment, but you need to let her handle her own personal problems. You act like she's defenseless and constantly needs your help when in reality, you tend to add on to the issue." She paused and took a moment to examine him, then took a couple steps in the direction of the house. "You get what I'm trying to say... Cass is capable of doing a lot on her own, Anthony. Don't worry yourself so much for her."

Anthony watched as she walked away and sighed, flipping his hair out of his eyes. Oscar was sat at the entrance of the barn next to Clover's stable, getting up and following after Macy. He only made a couple of steps before he looked over his shoulder at the boy, ears perked and head slightly tilted as if asking, you coming?

"Yeah, yeah," he grumbled. Walking over to the dog he gave a gentle pat to his head, then they both headed towards the house. I know he still has feelings for her, I know it... It was obvious to anyone that could see, the way he pathetically chased a girl that wanted nothing to do with him. He better stay away from her. I won't let him get close.

Author's Note: Short shitty chapter 🥴 Got some good stuff coming up soon though, hope ya'll are excited for it~

Thanks for reading!

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