Chapter 16

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It's been just about half an hour since the group went off to town. They kept the horses at a calm trot with Macy in the lead and Anthony coming up the rear. They moved through the woods on full alert, relaxed in the less dense areas and moving a little more cautiously through the thicker parts. Oscar would loop around the group with his muzzle to the dirt and ears erect, always making sure to go back to Midnight and examine Cassidy. A few more minutes passed and they broke out of the trees, coming up to a few fenced in backyards. Bringing the group to a stop, Macy turned Bella around so that she could face the others.

"Okay you guys, this is where we have to be as silent as assassins and quick like ninjas. Try and keep to the grassy areas, we don't want to risk drawing any attention to ourselves with the horse shoes," she said in a raised whisper. "If we run into any of those creatures, of course, don't use your guns; find a silent way to take them out." With that, she turned Bella back around and lead the way up a small worn path.

Cassidy straightened her back and scooted up the little space of the saddle, trying to get some space from her unwanted riding partner. She heard Brittany chuckle and their legs brushed together as the blonde shuffled closer. With a scowl Cassidy threw back an elbow, feeling it sink into the side of the girl's large breasts.

"I swear, if you don't give me some space your face is going to meet the concrete."

"You're the one that's moving a lot," she hissed. There was something about her tone that seemed mocking, like she was wanting to get on her nerves.

"I'm sorry that I don't want to feel your tits all over my fucking back. Can you get out of my bubble-!" It was more of a command than anything, the irritation clear in her tone. Cassidy thrust her hips back and pushed Brittany away from her, grabbing hold of her wrists and throwing them off of her waist.

"Midnight doesn't deserve to have ya'll fighting like that on him," came the amused voice of Anthony from behind. Cassidy rolled her eyes and looked over her shoulder, giving a look that said don't you even start. Flicking the reins, the stallion's calm trot sped up to a gallop, coming in step with Bella.

"I hope you two are behaving..." Macy mumbled as she led everyone through a smashed gate. Cassidy only nodded as they started to slow down. She followed Macy as they snaked their way behind all the abandoned houses. It has been quiet the whole while they were out and it was making everyone uneasy.

The group came upon one gate that wasn't destroyed or broken in some way compared to all the others. Macy made everyone stop and Cassidy jumped off of Midnight to open it for them. One hand held the grip of her katana while the other swung open the gate. Sighing when nothing was waiting on the other side, she went and got back onto Midnight. The horse snorted and shook his head, stomping the ground with his hoof. She leaned over and stroked his neck, speaking softly to him and rather quickly, he was at ease. Oscar was the first to walk through the gate, nose down on the ground as the group followed him in. The dog made his way to the back door and scratched at it, jumping back in surprise when it creaked open.

"Oscar!" Cassidy whisper-yelled, snapping her fingers.

"Wal-Mart isn't much farther. Let's not risk anything going into random houses," Macy said. Oscar looked to the girl before turning back to the door, hesitantly sticking his nose in. His legs stayed stiff on the spot, only his neck going forward to get a good sniff of whatever could be inside. He shook his head madly and sneezed, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth as he relaxed and turned away from it, continuing on through the other gate. "We're picking up the pace now so stay extra aware of your surroundings."

They continued on at a light gallop, passing the last few houses before hitting the streets and breaking out into the heart of the small town. Fast food places and grocery stores were scattered here and there, the roads a mess of bodies, some whole and others not so much. There wasn't much of a smell but the sight alone was enough to twist someone's stomach in knots. Cassidy clenched the reins in her hands a bit tighter, swallowing the urge to vomit as they guided the horses to their destination. Anthony brought Strider over and leaned in, taking hold of her hand.

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