The Imposter | Chapter Two [Odium]

Start from the beginning

My dad shook his head in a gesture that meant he was going to change the subject pretty soon. "Don't worry about it sweetie, your mother and I know how to take care of ourselves. What we're working on right now is really important and takes a lot of our concentration, that's all."

I wasn't really sure where my parents worked or who they worked for. I figured it was something for the government if it was so hush-hush. All I knew is that they were scientists who specialized in robotics and futuristic technology. They had only shown me one of their inventions, a robot dog that had an eerie resemblance to a real dog, except for the robotic voice and metal, of course. I had never bothered to ask them whom they worked for because I knew they wouldn't give me a real answer. It was just better not to ask and go with the flow. I liked to think that if they were dealing in illegal stuff I would know.

"Well if I can help at all, just let me know. I'd be more than willing to help," I offered, knowing they would never take me up on it. My dad thanked me before jamming a forkful of spaghetti in his mouth and looking at my mother.

Understanding the hint she quickly changed the subject, "So what's this about a detention? I know you are a better student than that, Dayna."

My dad choked on his mouthful of spaghetti, "Detention?" he asked hoarsely, shooting me a disappointed look.

I rolled my eyes in frustration, remembering the hour-long detention I had to endure. "Ms. Cabinger didn't like my attitude and gave me a detention in response. I didn't think I was acting in a manner worthy of a detention, but whatever." Eh, so I stretched the truth a bit. Technically she hadn't liked my attitude and I still didn't think I deserved the detention because I don't remember cussing her out, but those are trivial facts.

My mother frowned at my flippant tone. "Speaking of disrespect, your father and I meant to talk about this with you. You've changed recently, but before this week you have been extremely rude to us. I know we aren't available very often, but that doesn't give you the right to treat us with a lack of respect a parent deserves."

"I'm sorry," I said, hanging my head. I knew they were right, but I was taking a conscious effort to make things better. "I realized that I was overstepping my boundaries and I am working hard on making this work. I understand that you are busy and I'm sorry for being rude."

They seemed satisfied with my apology and we finished our dinner in silence. I attempted some small talk, but it was obvious that my parent's minds were on something else. Offering to clear the table and do dishes, I left them to their own devices.

About an hour later my cell phone rang and, seeing it was Olivia, I answered it, expecting a full detailed report of her evening. Sure enough as soon as I said hello, she started talking. "Oh my god, I'm never getting married. I'm ready to freaking kill my sister!" she complained. "If I hear one more, 'my wedding is going to be a disaster' I'm going to personally make sure that her wedding is a disaster!"

"You don't mean that, Olivia," I chuckled. I knew first hand how her sister was, but I also knew that Olivia loved Sasha fiercely.

She sighed dramatically, "I know. I'm serious about not getting married though. There's no way I'm going through with that."

"What about Andrew?" I asked slyly, waiting for the denial.

"Andrew? What about him?" she asked nervously.

I laughed, teasing her, "Don't you remember MASH? You're supposed to marry him." I grinned, picturing the relief on her face when she realized what I was talking about. Olivia had no idea that I was aware of her crush on Andrew.

"Ha ha," she said dryly, "I'm sure Andrew will be fine without me."

"Mmhmm," I said knowingly. I suspected that Andrew liked Olivia in return, but I wasn't going to say anything to either of them. It was their problem to figure out. Much to Olivia's relief, I changed the subject, asking her a question about homework. I said goodbye to her around 8:00 o'clock, ready to watch some television before bed.

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