Emerald Green

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I've been awake since five this morning with nerves for tonight. I don't know why I am acting this way but something about Willow unnerves me. I think it's the way she surprises me at every turn and I can't seem to get a handle on what she is thinking.

From talking with Ajax and Hayden they both had a great time with her. Hayden appears to be walking taller and mentioned something about a 'bucket list' but didn't go in to any further details. Ajax appeared to be slightly more relaxed than normal as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders but his frown still remains although it isn't as severe. When we asked about his date he tapped his nose and had a beaming smile, although later he did tell me that he spoke about his family which is a huge things for him and it's obvious he felt comfortable enough to talk to her about it which makes me feel happy for him.

"Ooooo! Someone's nervous" Zander mocks as he walks into the kitchen where I'm just finishing putting the breakfast into the oven to keep warm. It's ten in the morning so they should all be getting up soon.

"And why would you say that?" I ask trying to be nonchalant.

"Eh, because you have done everyone's chores and made the breakfast on a Sunday when you are usually holed up in that room of yours going over different pieces" he tells me as I turn to set up the coffee machine shrugging my shoulders.

"No big deal. I was up early and thought I would help out since we have a busy week this week" I tell him busying myself making a pot of coffee. It's not a lie about this week being busy we have a few assignments on and my working week is busier than usual.

"Mhmm, and it has nothing at all to do with a hot ass brunette that lives up the road that you are taking out tonight?" He says smugly drumming his fingers on the kitchen counter while drinking a bottle of water.

Even the mention of her has my heart beating faster and my palms begin to sweat. This is the reaction my body seems to have whenever I have thought of Willow since I picked her up that day at the airport and those are the mild ones.

"Look, just be yourself." Zander tells me squeezing my shoulder. "You owe it to yourself. You owe it to Karen, she would want you to be happy. You've only had a handful of girlfriends since you lost her and even then I think you were detached from them but I've seen you, I've seen the way your face lights up when anyone mentions Willow or you catch a glimpse of her. You owe it to yourself to be happy" he says and I feel myself tensing up at the mention of Karen.

I will never forgive myself for not answering her call that night.

"Aust! Your phone went off" Zander shouts from across the room and I turn to realise he's gone back to the kitchen island and has a plate in front of him and I figure that I've been staring out the window to the side of the house seeing Karen's face.

I give myself a shake and try to reason with myself. It's been four years. I was on the other side of the country with no way of getting to where she was. I was on a mission and couldn't answer. She went rogue...rogue!

I head over to the island beside Zander where my phone sits:

Tony: Package Delivered! Enjoy yourself ;)

To Tony: Thank You.

I wonder what she will think of my gifts?

Zander is right. I haven't had these feelings for anyone since Karen, I've never been interested in anyone let alone been nervous about a date and she wouldn't want me to pass it up.


I was woken to the sound of someone knocking on my front door. Being lazy I pull my phone and check the camera to see if I can ignore it but the person at the door I don't recognise but they have a box and flowers. It must be Austin's surprise!

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