Things are looking promising

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After I got home from my run I decided to have a shower. I made calls to get my broadband and cable set up along with sorting out the details for my class starting in the community centre. I was worried to leave it too late since it was Friday and I may have to start Monday. I tried to get ahold of Dr Chan at the hospital but no answer so left a message for him to call me back to organise my placement.

I made a list of things I needed to buy at the shop and then sorted out the boxes with my coursework and books. I had a small office set up in a room opposite the living room. It was only large enough for my desk, chair, computer and book shelf but it is perfect for when I need to study.

As I was setting the last of my books on the shelf I heard the rumble of my baby coming down the street. I would know the sound anywhere and I felt a smile try to break my face. I had purchased my 1970 Blue Dodge Charger hoping for a project to keep me busy and out of trouble and fell in love with her and restored her to her glory. I look out the window as it's driven into my driveway and head outside.

I walk out and notice a trailer attached to the back and see my Red Harley Davidson Sportster 883. It's not the bike that I love but more the sentimental reasons behind it. My dad and I worked on this bike fixing it up and then Uncle Sinclair helped me to complete it when he passed away. It was the only way I would interact with them to begin with and made me gradually see that they didn't judge me but wanted to help. They helped me to learn how to trust again and how to go with my gut.

Having them both in the driveway makes me feel a little bit more complete and I rush over to them. I walk around my car and check to make sure it hasn't been damaged in transit but everything looks to be fine. When I come around to the drivers side I finally notice who drove it over for me.

I have to look up as he was much taller than my 5ft5 height decked out in black with a grumpy looking face. He looked me over and gave a grunt. "What?" I ask pissed that he glared at me.

"Are you Willow?" He asks looking me up and down. He's good looking but he needs to learn to smile.

"Yup" I say popping the p. He hands the keys over to me and I put my hand out as he drops them into it ensuring not to touch me. "I've not got a disease you know" I say putting my hand on my hip glaring at him.

"I didn't say you did" he says with no emotion walking to the back of the truck. He opens the back of the trailer and folds down the ramp. He climbs in and I place my hand on it to steady it. He walks my bike backwards and off the trailer onto the driveway, pushing it up to the garage and kicks out the stand to stand it up. "You really shouldn't be riding this" he tells me walking back towards me.

"Why?" I ask walking over anxiously to check my bike for any damage. "Nothing looks damaged." I say distracted rubbing a mark off the frame.

"It's dangerous" he states without a hint of humour.

"No it's not" I say waving him off. "I've been riding since I was twelve with my dad. It's passed all its inspections and is road worthy. Perfectly safe" I say patting the seat.

He just shakes his head and detached the trailer form my car. "Do you not want me to take you back and drop it off?" I ask wondering where he's going to go.

"It's alright. My brother is coming to get me." He says taking out his phone "I heard you're starting a Self Defence Class?" He asks changing the subject quickly while typing on his phone.

"Yea. It's going to be woman only in the local community centre starting Tuesday at 6:30-8:30pm. If you know anyone who might be interested please tell them to come along. I've not had much time to promote it. I only arrived two days ago." I say smiling excited to have something to do that I enjoyed.

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