Smashing Plates

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We pull up to the marina twenty minutes later and I let out a small laugh. "I guess you weren't joking about the water" he looks over to me with a smile and tells the man at the barrier a number and he gives a nod before lifting it for us to drive on. We drive pass seven walkway entrance gates then come to a stop over looking the last walkway this side of the marina.

Ajax gets out the car and comes round to my side and helps me out. He takes my hand in his and leads me to the boot where he takes out a blue and white tartan looking blanket and a picnic basket. "I love picnics" I say excitedly "granted I've only ever had one on the floor of my bedroom with my bears when I was five but I loved it and always wanted to have a proper one" I say with a large smile.

"Looks like I made a good choice then" he says smiling pulling me along down to the walkway. He enters a code into the keypad and we walk through when it buzzes. He seems excited with a bounce in his step. What I've realised from the short time I've been around Ajax is that he doesn't talk very much but wears his heart on his sleeve and will tell you things when he wants.

He walks down to the slip and along a line of boats until we stop in front of one that looks like it is being currently worked on. Its a beautiful sail boat. The hull looks as if it has been freshly painted blue and the main cabin is wooden where it is in the process of being sanded. The spinnaker looks new but the sails are not properly attached to it yet and the portholes and windows have no glass in them.

"What do you think?" Ajax calls from beside the boat and I realise that I've stopped to admire it.

"She's beautiful" I say in awe.

He waves his hand to get me to come to him and takes my hand as soon as I get to him , he places the picnic basket onto the boat then helps me on and climbs on after me. He grabs my hand again and walks us to the back of the boat where there are new white couches with different blue and white patterned scattered pillows. There is a long wooden table in the middle with a white table cloth over it. It has a more modern feel to it but in keeping with the style of the boat and looks really cozy. Ajax places the picnic basket on the table and sits us down.

"This is amazing" I say looking straight into the wheelhouse where it has all the modern technology but with what seems to be the original steering wheel. "Is this your boat?" I ask standing up unable to stop my curiosity heading over to look inside the wheelhouse.

"Sure is. I love being on the water and anything to do with it."Ajax tells me looking out to the ocean beyond the walls of he marina. I turn to watch him and I'm unable to understand the emotions passing his face. He turns to look at me with a smile that doesn't reach his eyes then busies himself unloading the picnic.

I walk back over and sit down beside him close enough that out thighs touch hoping it might comfort him. "I didn't know what you would like so I brought a few different things" he says taking out two glasses and a bottle of lilt showing me it as if it was a fancy bottle of wine. "Is this to madams taste?" He says in a posh accent but it sounds weird with his own.

"Perfect,sir" I say in my best English accent.

"What accent was that?" He asks laughing.

"What? It was English" I say

"terrible" he says holding his stomach laughing.

"Well I wasn't going to mock you and your accent but yours sounded bad too" I say in a huff.

"Okay, okay. We both suck at accents" he says wiping his eyes from tears.

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