Making Friends

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When I got home yesterday I decided to just have a shower and put on my pyjamas. I made spegetti and sauce and vowed to start a cooking class or else I'm going to starve. Aunt Betty was such a good cook, I really should have paid attention more when she tried to show me how to prepare a meal instead of eating the ingredients and the final product. I read one of my paranormal books allowing myself to get lost in the fantasy of werewolves where I could find my own sole mate before calling it an early night which obviously was needed since I've only woke up and it's 10am.

I twist and turn in my covers stretching out and enjoy the feeling of my muscles wakening up. I climb out of bed and go to my bathroom to do my business then head downstairs after making my bed and grabbing my phone.

I decide on French toast and a cup of tea and choose to eat out on the porch on the swing. It's nice looking over to the river across the street watching the ducks and swans swimming around and laugh to myself thinking about Ajax and I ending up in the lake yesterday.

There isn't a lot of traffic on the street but many people are out in their gardens mending things and weeding or doing exercise. A guy around my age with black hair and tanned toned arms with tattoos sprints past in a black sleeveless top and red shorts. I can't help admiring his muscles as he goes past and a flicker of recognition goes through my mind but nothing to hold onto.

I pick up my phone and open my messages sending a quick hello to Aunt Betty. I decide to text Ajax as I promised I would and it would be nice to have a friend here. I send a quick message thanking him for the rowing lesson and say how I'm looking forward to the surfing one in the hope that he will want to still go.

I notice I have a message from Hayden asking how I am feeling about tomorrow. I reply that I'm fine and excited and decide to ask him what I need and about clothing. I don't want to be too formal and uncomfortable all day but I don't want to go too casual and look unprofessional on my first day. He tells me to dress smart/casual with a lil bit of flirting in between which was cute.

I grab my plate and cup and head back into the kitchen to wash them and put them away.

Ajax: Good Morning mou theá! When would you be free for surfing? Xx

When would I be free? I open up my email and see one from Dr Chan telling me that I will work Monday-Friday with a half day Tuesday due to my other commitments meaning the Community Centre and one Saturday out of the month. He explains that there will be times when I may be on call but that will be scheduled in a month in advance meaning I don't have any this month from the looks of things. The email explains that Hayden will discuss everything with me and this week he will show me most things that I may come up against while on my own rota. I have a feeling that this isn't a normal rota but one made especially for me but until I find out otherwise I'm going with it as it will allow me to get on my feet and build up my knowledge and confidence.

To Ajax: Checked my rota and it looks like I have every weekend off except one Saturday a month which is in three weeks time so if you let me know what suits you best I'll be there :) xx

Ajax: Excellent! It might have to be short notice is that's ok? Xx

To Ajax: Yea that's fine :) xx

Ajax: Great! Does that mean you aren't free during the week to do anything after work? ;) xx

Is he asking me out? No he just means he wants to do something as friends doesn't he? It would be nice to spend time with him again instead of just the surfing lessons.

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