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"Mum....dad!?!? How...how is this possible?!?! I...I saw you both die?!?!" Ezra stated, he was so confused and 'slightly' freaked out "we missed you Ezzy, we've been looking for you for years, now we've found you" Mira said with tearsbin her eyes "you guys are really here" the teen stated, trying to convince himself "we're back son" his dad said. Ezra ran and hugged them both "and we're never letting you go". The head teacher smiled at the sight "I hate to be a party pooper but...Ezra does need to get back to class" they nodded "of course, we'll pick you up after school,  okay??" Mira said, her son was about to nod when he remembered Hera, Kanan, Zeb and Sabine "wait...what about my family? I can't just take off". His parents shared a look "I guess not...how about we all talk to them after school, they can come here when they come to pick you up?" Ephraim asked earning a nod "okay".

And with that, Ezra returned to his lesson,  Hera and Sabine have him a look but he just said he'd tell them later. Break soon came "okay, what did you do now?" Sabine teased earning a playful glare "very funny Sabine". Hera spoke up "but seriously Ezra, what did the head want?? Are you in trouble??" she asked earning a "no Hera, I'm not in trouble....some people came in and they wanted to see me" Thai confused the two "who Ez??". The teen boy sighed "I can't tell you without Kanan and Zeb, can you call them and tell them they need to be here after school?? Please??" Ezra asked earning a nod "sure Ezra, I'll call them now". Hera called the two and they both said they'ed tell their bosses and be at schoo for 3.

School took a while to end in Ezra's opinion, he was so nervous about his mum and dad meetinga be telling to his family. Kanan and Zeb arrived, kind of worried, they were taken to the head teachers office where Hera, Sabine and Ezra were. "What going on?? You sounded worried over the phone earlier" Kanan asked once he kissed his girlfriend "Ezra said he needed to tell us all something but we all needed to to get here, in school" Sabine said. They all looked at the teen boy who really seemed nervous "you okay kid?" Zeb asked, the teen looked at him "yeah, I'm...I'm fine".

Suddenly the door opened revieling the head teacher, Mira and Ephraim, they smiled. "Nice to see you again, Mr Jarrus, Mr Orrelios" the shook hands with their old teacher "you too sir". Sabine spoke up "not to be rude but, what's this all about??" she asked, they all wanted to know. Ezra finally spoke "em....this is Mira and Ephraim Bridger" he paused "...my parents" all eyes widened. Zeb was the one to speak first "but I....you said that your parents were dead?!" he was so confused, they all were and who could blame them?? Even Ezra was still confused "I thought they were dead, I mean...I saw it happen" they gave him a sad smile. Kanan and Hera shook the man and woman's hand "it's nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Bridger" the greeted "like wise". They introdused themselves "I'm Kanan Jarrus, this is my girlfriend Hera Syndulla, this is Garazeb Orrelios, and that's Sabine Wren" they all shook hands "well it's nice to meet you all, and thank you so much for taking care of our baby boy" they smiled at the now slightly red Ezra "it was our pleasure, we love Ezra, he's one of our family".

"So what now??" Ezra asked, Mira spoke "we finally take you home" the ohtera eyeys widened "wait? What?! You can't just take Ezra away from us!" Hera said,  just in her voice "he's our son, we can take him wherever we want" the man stated. Kanan then spoke up "shouldn't it be Ezra's decision?!" they all looked at the boy "alright, what do you want to do Ezra sweety, come with your parents or stay with them?" Mira asked, smiling at her son. The teen stint know what to do or say, they all looked at him "I...I...".

Rebel High: A Year LaterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora