My first day of digging

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"I fell off my cot as the sound of a trumpet blared throughout the camp.

All the guys looked down at me sprawled on the floor, then snickered.

"Time to get up sleeping beauty." Squid called to me from across the tent.

"What time is it."

"About 4:30."

"In the morning!?"

"Get up, we don't want the warden to get mad." X-ray yelled.

I resentfully got up, and dusted myself off.

"Do you guys mind."

"No." Barfbag answered.

"Turn around idiot." Squid barked.

They turned around long enough for me to put on a white t shirt,and slide on my jumpsuit. It was huge, so I ended up tying the sleeves around my waist so it ended up looking like pants. I laced up my boots, grabbed my hair tie, and followed the guys out of the tent. My boots felt heavy on the dry sand that was ridden with gravel. All of the campers joined around the mess hall where X-ray told me we would get our shovels.

Mr. Sir undid the lock on a shed which read "library."

Everybody grabbed a five foot shovel, except X-ray who picked a shovel with red tape. My shovel was huge, and about a head shorter than me.

We walked out into the hot Texas desert where the ground was sandy, yet dry and cracked.

"You'll dig here, now if you find anything interestin' give it to me or Pendanski. If the warden liked what you found, you'll get the day off.

"What am I supposed to be looking for Mr. Sir?"

"You're not looking for anything, you're building character. If you take a bad boy and make him dig holes all day in the hot sun and it turns him into a good boy, that's our philosophy at camp green lake. Now start diggin'."

I dug my shovel into the ground as hard as I could, but I barely made a dent, and fell down in the process.


"One down, ten million to go."

"Humph!" I got up, dusted myself off and tossed a shovelful of sand out of the ground.

I dug for hours in the excruciating heat, with dust flying at me from every direction. By the the time the water truck came, my hands were blistered and bloody.

"You got any blisters Evans." Mr sir called to me.

"Big fat blisters." Magnet answered for me.

"We'll don't worry everything turns to callous eventually, but that's life." Mr. Sir said as he handed me my canteen.

I sat in the sun and sipped out of my canteen, taking a glance at the mountains that looked like they were a thousand miles away. When I stood up, I found Zigzag staring at me from his hole, his blue eyes focused.

My eyes went wide as I stood up and pretended as if I hadn't seen him. I grabbed my shovel and made a small pile of dirt big enough to cast a shadow. (That should keep my water cool,) I thought as I set my water bottle in the shade.

Within the first hour that the water truck came, Zero hopped out of his hole.

"You done already?" I asked.

"He's like the fastest digger in the camp." Said Magnet.

"He's a mole, I think he eats the dirt." Squid snickered."

"Moles don't eat dirt, worms eat dirt." X-ray corrected.

"He's a weird dude." Zigzag said.

I rolled my eyes at this particular comment.

About two hours later, X-ray hopped out of his hole, then squid, then Barfbag, then Armpit, then Magnet, and finally Zigzag.

He towered over my hole.

"You want me to wait for ya?" He asked in his Texas accent.

"If you want to."

He sat cross legged and watched me dig. Every so often, he would ask me a question.

"What's your favorite color?"


What's your favorite animal?"

"Anything soft and fuzzy."

Zigzag chuckled to himself.

In a few more minutes, I was done.

I tried to lift myself out of my hole, but I made no effort.

Zig extended his am, I took it, and he lifted me out of my hole.


"My pleasure." He said as we walked back to camp.

The girl at camp green lake. (A holes fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now