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Indra Uchiha's point of view.

Even after our talk, Sasuke still didn't listen, and when it was heard that Itachi was in the village, Sasuke took off to find him. I knew he wouldn't find Itachi unless he wanted to be found. So I wasn't too worried. But when I'd learned from the elders that Itachi and his partner were looking for Naruto and Jiraiya. I started to rush to find them. Sasuke would figure out that the way to fins Itachi was to find Naruto. 

Naruto was easier to find because of Jiraiya's lecherous habits. Catching up to Sasuke easily, I watched from the roof as he ran into different inns looking for the pair. But I was told by fellow Anbus that the Sannin was currently in a bar with a woman and hadn't moved. So Naruto would be the only one in his room he shared with Jiraiya. I was just glad to have finished all the jobs given to me by the elders.

Because lord knows, I needed the extra pressure added from my idiot brothers. As I followed my little brother, my mask was put away to keep my identity secret. It was okay to walk around in uniform but the mask was required when on duty. Following Sasuke was easy he was so distracted that he had no idea I was even there. But in the many inns he ran into I had lost sight of him.

Finally finding him though, when a portion of a building blew out and the black flames of Amaterasu coated the exit hole. Getting there, I landed on the roof opposite to the new hole in the building. Itachi and his partner had sailed over me as they escaped. Itachi locked eyes with me for barely even a moment and I saw the sadness and the guilt. I barely nodded and he took off faster. 

Dispelling the flames after leaping in, I noticed Naruto, Gai and Jiraiya crowding around something. Worried, I rushed foreword and found Sasuke unconscious. His wrist was broken and he had a line of blood running down his chin his eyes were blank and hooded, I knew he was trapped in a Tsukyomi nothing could be done here. Scooping him up easily I turned to Jiraiya and Naruto. Naruto looked nervous and worried. 

"Oh hey, your an Anbu," he said clocking my uniform. "What are you doing here?" I raised a brow at him as I held Sasuke in my arms. He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his head. He must have noticed my worried look as I looked over Sasuke because he suddenly gasped a bit, "hey your his sister, aren't you?!" I nodded, not really in the mood to speak. Shifting Sasuke around in my arms for a better hold. 

I bowed and started to leave, ignoring his blushing and perverted expression. "Wow, you are gorgeous!!" Keeping a straight face, I looked back over to Naruto, "Naruto? Will you be okay?" Blinking at me he nodded, "oh how youthful another young student achieving Anbu status, and at a younger age than her brother! So beautifully youthful!!" Guy-sensei shouted. I had completely forgotten he was even there since arriving. 

It was obvious that he noticed my lack of attention to him and probably why he'd spoken but I wasn't interested. Halfway down the stairs, Jiraiya called down to me. "Little Uchiha, tell the elders I am going to look for Tsunade, would ya?" Bowing again I nodded, "Certainly, will Naruto be joining you?" The older man nodded and he took Naruto and left. Finally addressing Guy, I ignored his crossed arms and depressed expression and asked, 

"Master Guy, my brother is in need of medical attention may I leave the important task Lord Jiraiya tasked me with to with you?" He started sprouting youth-filled chants and boasts and and took off. Leaving quicker than he did I ran to the hospital and had my brother looked at by doctors. I never left his room. Too worried about his situation to even consider it. 

Two weeks later

The next two weeks felt extremely long. I'd learned that on the same day I'd brought in Sasuke, Kakashi was being seen to. He'd fought Itachi and was injured pretty bad. Leaving a clone in Sasuke's rooms in case he woke up, or a doctor needed me, I went to visit Kakashi. He usually had a fellow Jonin in the room with him. Be it Asuma or his girlfriend. The Jonin of Kiba's team. So I'd usually wait till he was alone. 

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