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Indra Uchiha's point of view.

It was his funeral today. Everyone was miserable and the weather didn't help. It was wet and dark. Rain soaked through everyone's clothing in seconds of stepping out into it. I was on auto-pilot. Doing things by muscle memory, as Sasuke and I met up with everyone. My eyes hurt from all the crying I'd been doing. They were so puffy and swollen that I needed a cool compress to soothe it the previous night. 

Even as Sasuke and I walked to meet everyone, I could feel the rain mixing with my tears. It was probably the only reason why Sasuke wasn't asking if I was still crying. My body is sore I'd had a painful episode two nights back, and was on all fours dry heaving into the toilet. Sasuke had just stepped out to go pick up food, when it had hit me. So I was slowly recovering from that on top of everything else.  

As we got closer to where everyone stood, Sasuke called to me, "Indra–" but I didn't want to talk. Mitagi and Kakashi both stared at me with some mixed expression in their eyes, but I didn't have the will power to figure it out. Walking to the funeral, we met up with the rest of our teams and the other Jonins and rookies. Seeing Asuma with his sibling and their spouse behind Konohamaru. I went over and gave my condolences. 

They all had different levels of hurt and sadness on their faces. Konohamaru reached out and took hold of the hem of my robes while crying into his sleeve. I didn't know what to do, his parents were there if he wanted comfort, I looked up at his parents and they looked at me with soft eyes and nodded. Figuring he needed a hug, I knelt before him and he didn't even wait till I was supported on my knee before throwing himself at me.

His arms wrapped around my neck and shoulders. Patting his back and rubbing soft circles into it, I held onto him. As I could hear the service about to start, I made to stand up, but Konohamaru clung even tighter. So in a fluid motion I scooped him up and stood beside his family, Kakashi and the others, stood nearby and we all listened to the elders speak about the Hokage.  

I could feel more tears start pouring from my eyes, and I hoped it was hidden well by the rain. A warm hand laying on my shoulder had me looking at Asuma as it's his hand on my shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze. I nodded in thanks as we focused back in on everything. as everything had started to finish, I stepped up and set a red spider lily in front of the picture of Sarutobi. 

Konohamaru set a flower of his own and when I went to give him to his parents, they told me they had to stay and asked if I could bring Konohamaru home. They would make sure Ebisu would be there to look after the little boy while they were out. I agreed mostly because he'd cried himself to sleep in my arms. Wrapping him in the big sleeves of my top I started to leave, but I noticed Mitagi and Kakashi arguing softly at each other. 

I had no interest in the stupidity of them and just walked right by them on my way out. Getting into his home and into clean warm clothing, I tucked him into bed and sat in the living room to wait on Ebisu. Who showed up twenty minutes after I'd put Konohamaru to bed. Thanking him for coming to the house so quickly I excused myself and left. 

1 hour later

When I stopped to realized where I was. I noticed it wasn't at the apartment I shared with my brother. I frowned but walked into our old home in the Uchiha district anyway. Subconsciously I walked to his room sitting on his old bed dust flew up and made me sneeze. Grabbing the sheets I opened the windows and shook them all out, and some how ended up clearing out the whole house and cleaning everything. 

It helped distract me and I welcomed such a distraction. Going into my old room, I found all of my old clothing I knew would never fit me anymore and packed them into boxes for charity and such, I made sure none had my family crest though, those were good for future uses. So I set them away in separate boxes. Going to mom and dad's old room next, I went through everything and organized it as well. 

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