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Third person's point of view.

Two days later, Indra was sitting in the living room of her home, Sasuke was laying on the couch across from her napping before dinner, because he was exhausted from his private training sessions with Kakashi. She was reading a bunch of mission scrolls that were waiting for her to do after the exams. But with how many were piling up, she doubted many of them would still be available after she finished her exams.

Taking a glance at the clock, she saw how late it was becoming and got up from her seat. Rerolling her scrolls, she set them back on the table and made her way to the kitchen to make something to eat. Sasuke's question echoing in her head as she prepped. 'Indra, who will you be training with for the next month?' it was an easy question. But with her level of skill not many of the Jonin could teach her something new.

So finding a teacher is quite hard. She contemplated just working on some Taijutsu with Might Gai. But when she'd tried it two days ago she realized that because she worked her body so much as a child, she was able to keep up and over take Gai quite easily. Even in her current condition. Word had gotten out amongst the other Jonins and older Chunins about how she acted in the first part of the exam and she'd left an impression on them.

Earning her a nickname that she really didn't want. Crimson Eyed Demon; apparently, she's scary and no one wants to train with her. So she's now stuck still looking. After finishing making something for her and Sasuke to eat she woke him and had him wash up before eating. she ate while he cleaned up and was mid way through her food when he joined her. They finished eating in silence before Sasuke returned to his room for bed.

Needing to get up early the next morning. When Indra retired for bed herself, she found that she couldn't sleep. She ended up staying up all night that night.


Indra's point of view.

When I left my room the following morning having only slept 2 hours at most, I was greeted with the Third Hokage sitting in my living room. I'd sensed some in the house, but never figured it would be him. "My Lord." I greeted with a curt bow. "None of that, Lady Uchiha." he said using my title, even though there was only three living Uchiha's in the world. Not enough to warrant proper etiquette. "Sir, you know that title means nothing now right." I said and he nodded.

"I know, I was just being nice." he said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and gestured for him to sit. "I will be right back," I said but he held up a hand to stop me. "None of that, your brother already served me a cup of tea before leaving." he said and I nodded. Looking into the kitchen I could see two cups on the table. "Then may I get one for myself, Sir." I teased and his cheeks tinted and he tipped is hat down to hide his face.

After returning with a hot cup of tea, I sat and looked at the man across from me. "I know how you are with beating around the bush tactics. So I'll come right out an say that I want to train you for the next month." he said and looked a bit embarrassed. But I could sense that there was more to this. "So much for avoiding beating around the bush tactics, sir. But I know you only want to train me so you can keep an eye on me." I said

He gaped at me and looked offended. But couldn't argue with me about it, meaning I was right. "Fine, I'll go along with it, mostly because everyone else is scared of me." I said and he looked proud of himself. I rolled my eyes again and sipped my tea, only to have my front door slam open and Tomio and Saburo come in uninvited. Shifting to the side of the couch, I closed my eyes and tried to keep the migraine I could feel coming under control.


Two weeks later


The next two and a half weeks later, proved to be intense. What I'd experienced with Gai for a day was nothing compared. It's no wonder how powerful the Legendary Sannin became because of him being their teacher. It was only because I was so diligent in my own self training that I'm able to even walk home at the end of each training day. When I got home, I expected to find Sasuke on the couch asleep. But he wasn't home.

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