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(A/N; Something that I might've forgotten to address is character aging. In this book, Ash is 18, Michael, Calum, Luke, Kennedy, and Parker are all 16. Let's say Parker was placed in school earlier so she's in final year of school along with Ashton, and the boys and Kennedy are in their Sophomore year. Some of their sophomore and senior classes wouldn't be strange, so that's set. Okay sorry for that lol)

*Parker's POV*

Every class that we had together was pure torture. I just wanted to reach over and kiss the mark that was on his forehead. The drunk fall he had left a pretty bad mark. He never caught me staring, however, I figured that it was time to start the ignoring part. 

So from that English class on, I'd be forgetting who the fuck this guy that I considered to be my best friend. From that English class on, it would be official that he didn't want me, and that was really upsetting.

Ashton had quickly, as you can tell, become my new support system. He came over to my house just as much, and if not more, than Michael did before. Most of our conversations were, sadly, revolved around that same person that was replaced. He said he'd come over to my house right after an errand he had to run. I didn't want to be nosy and ask about what he had to do. It was enough that he supported me the way he did. I was assuming that since he was in final year of required school, he was just going to do the required community service, but again, I didn't want to be nosy.

Speaking of the graduation project, Ashton and I had decided to help at an elderly center. They're quiet, calm, and wouldn't judge me. I had been working with a woman who was from America, and she had a job that was respectable, in a sense. It wasn't a job that most women would own up to, but we had gotten close. I told her about Michael and she just smiled sadly. 

*back to the last visit with the woman*

As I was filling a cup of water for her, we spoke quietly.

"So have you gotten any special boys in your life?"

"I told you about Ash-"

"No no no" she interrupted, "I mean boys that you're romantically interested with." 

I sighed before handing her the cup, "I mean, there was. We said we loved each other and all, but he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. The woman at the front desk said it was time for your nap thing-"

The intent look that had been placed on her face had turned to a disgusted frown, "Fuck that. Tell me about him."

I slightly laughed, "Esmeralda, I can't just not let you sleep. It's

"I don't wanna fucking sleep, tell me about him or I'll request a new volunteer."

"Okay, okay, fine. Basically, I used to do some bad things, he helped me to break the habit that was those bad things, we decided that we loved each other, then I wouldn't give in to the habit to help him, and he decided that he didn't want me anymore. I even said I'd do the thing, but he didn't like that I only gave in for missing our friendship. It's been like, two months since the drama started, and about 5 months since we've initially become close."

She smiled sadly at me, explaining how she had a similar story from her young adult days. She had regretted not keeping in touch with him, and told me that she wanted to make sure that I didn't just keep him out of my life, like planned.

She fell asleep while I was explaining the plans I had for after graduation, they weren't true anyway. I had no real plans. College wasn't for me, and neither was any job that I could do without the extra education.

*end of visit*

When Ashton had finally gotten to my house, he had smelled like Michael's house. It made sense because his car was parked in my driveway for a while before he actually came inside. It was okay, but I hugged him extra tight, as sad as it is, because he smelt like the person that I missed most. 

He had this YouTube video that he wanted to show me, but accidentally pressed on his own profile which had videos that, from what I could see in those brief seconds that he couldn't figure out what to do, looked like covers of songs.

"Wait, don't look at that."

"Ash, what was that?" I asked, grinning because if that was what I thought it was, they finally started showing their musical talent.

"It was nothing-"

"If you try and bullshit me anymore, I will kick you the fuck out of my house." Sure, my words were threatening, but I needed to know.

"Luke started posting covers a while ago. Michael and Calum joined in, then they asked me. That's how we met. When you'd go on about how talented we are, we had already been posting. Please don't be mad." He rushed the words out so it was difficult to understand, but I was able to grasp. 

"Why would I be mad? I'm proud. How many views, subscribers, or likes or whatever have you been getting?"

"A lot." He seemed very shy on the subject. 

"We should celebrate with ice cream."

"It's winter. No parlors will be open."

"Let's go to Target then." I suggested.

"I'm only going if we can get chocolate chip." He crossed his arms like he was bargaining for something he wouldn't get.

I smiled, "Of course. Ice cream is on me-" 

Yet again, interrupted by a loud laugh, "HA HA HA that's funny, that's adorable. I'm paying."

"You're so annoying."

Ash picked up his keys and began walking out the door, "Un-bunch your panties, you're getting free ice cream."

I made a noise of disgust as we got in the car, and he chuckled, driving off to Target. I hoped this would work to forget.

Michael's Flower |M.G.C| AUWhere stories live. Discover now