Chapter Thirty Eight ~ Hell Yeah

Start from the beginning

“So after the Teen Choice Awards you all will be leaving for Australia. We’ll be starting to record some of the songs then, and then decide what songs we want to make a music video out of when we get back to London. I have to leave now, I’ll see you when you get back for the concert.” Dylan said.

                I quickly said goodbye and then set my phone down on the window sill. I spun around in Niall’s arms and jumped up, wrapping my legs around his waist. He laughed and put his hands on my bottom, supporting me.

“Guess what?” I asked, wrapping my arms around his neck. I began to play with the hair at the back of his neck.

“What?” Niall asked.

“I’m coming to Australia!” I said. Niall smiled and was about to say something but the door to the room opened and the rest of the guys walked in.

“That was crazy! Some girl tried to take my breakfast.” Zayn laughed, setting the bag of McDonalds on the table thing.

“Woah! What are you two doing in here? We leave you alone for a half an hour and you two are getting it on?” Louis said, smiling over at us.

                I laughed and jumped down off of Niall. Harry started telling me about how the workers at McDonalds messed up his order but he didn’t want to go back and complain. I thought it was pretty funny to be honest. I’m just glad that they didn’t mess up my order.

“Wait, Liz tell them what you told me.” Niall said, rubbing my thigh with his hand. I put my breakfast down and looked at all of them.

“Okay…so… Jay Cee El is heading to Australia!” I said. They all started cheering and talking at once and I couldn’t help but laugh.


“C’mon Liz, you are taking forever.” Niall said as I did the finishing touches on my hair. I told him to shut up before grabbing my converse.

                I’m going to one of their concerts while I’m here. I’m really excited because as sad as it is, it’s pretty much the first time I’m going to be seeing them perform. I feel bad, but I was always so busy with my tour schedule. I’m glad that Niall’s only seen one of my concerts once. I guess it evens it up a little bit.

“Babe, you look perfect. Don’t start with the makeup. You should do that NMP again so everyone can see your natural beauty.” Niall said when he saw I was reaching for my makeup.

“The NMP was not so people would see my natural beauty and you know that. But fine, only because we are already running late.” I said, turning around and walking over to Niall. He laughed and told me that he loved my shirt.

                It was a Niall’s Crazy Mofo crop top. I matched it with a pair of shorts and a belt, along with the black converse I put on a minute or two ago. I was also wearing one of my new belly button rings that had a crystal heart on it.

“Good, c’mon Paul is going to be mad.” Niall laughed.

“Since when do you ever care?” I stated and Niall rolled his eyes at me. I took his hand in mine as we walked towards the hotel door.

                It didn’t take long to get to the lobby, but there was still a huge crowd there. I still can never get used to crowd these boys can attract. It gets so crazy at times but at the same time it’s so exciting. Niall’s grip on my hand tightened as we ventured out into the crowd. We had body guards obviously , but that still didn’t stop people from trying to touch us. But by now- being in a relationship for almost two years with Niall- I’m pretty much used to it.

                It took a few minutes but we got to the car alright. It also took about ten body guards to get us there. Not to mention some of the words that we being yelled at me. Don’t get me wrong, a lot of them were really sweet too.

                I climbed in the car first, Niall insisting as usual. I sat down in the back, next to Harry who was busy on his phone. Niall sat down next to me and took my hand again. Zayn and Liam were in the middle and Louis was messing around with the driver, Sean.

                I crossed my legs and leaned into Niall’s side. His arm wrapped around my shoulders and I tried to make myself comfortable. Stupid seat belts. Most of the cars that have a middle seat in the back seat have the seat belts that cross over your lap, but not this car. That probably made no sense.

“I can’t wait for Australia. Hey, Liam?” I said, looking up to where Liam was sitting. He turned to look at me and said,

“Yeah, Liz?”

“If we have any free time, and if we are anywhere near each other… you wanna teach me how to surf?” I asked, sending him my biggest hopeful face. He laughed and nodded while saying,

“If we have free time and we are near each other, yes I’ll teach you to surf.” I said ‘yes’ and then thanked him.

“Hey! I could teach you too! I’m even better than Liam.” Louis said from the front. We all started to laugh and Louis told us all to shut up.

“Don’t worry Lou, I’m sure that you’re just as good as Liam.” I said which made everyone else laugh.

                We all split off into our own conversations, which was nice. Louis but on some music, much to Sean’s displeasure. I think it was The Fray, or something like that. It wasn’t that loud and I’m all the way in the back seat.

                I unwrapped Niall’s arm from around my shoulder and sat straight up. My back was beginning to hurt, otherwise I would totally be leaning on Niall. Instead I took his huge ass hand in mine and put them on my lap. His hand squeezed mine before he turned and asked,

“You ready for your first Where We Are concert?”

“Hell yeah.”


There’s the chapter. I really like this chapter because I just ship Niz so hard. But I mean… Namanda is so much better. Am I right or am I right? Haha, my dad says that all the time.


Not much else to say… Julie ( @I_Am_Mrs_HarryStyles ) and I had a Disney Princess movie marathon the other day… haha you probably don’t care.

But what’s your favorite Disney Princess? Mine’s Cinderella, because we both have blonde hair ha XD

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil’ Gummy Worms!

~Amanda<3 xXx

 --The picture on the side is Liz’s outfit. I really want her shirt… ugh life isn’t fair… haha jk. Byyee!!

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