Start from the beginning

"Juvia doesn't care if she has to sit on Gray-sama's lap naked! -not naked only in undergarments- Or French kissed with him for an hour! -again you just exaggerated it, it's just only two minutes-Even if she has to change bodies with Gray-sama! -*sigh* I'm not even gonna react to that- Juvia will face those head on!" Juvia squealed hugging on her boyfriend's arm.

Yep, you heard that right...they're together.

Lucy sigh at Juvia's giddiness, she wish the both of them luck. After a couple of dares and truths, and a smash of embarrassing dares again, Mira finally got a hold on one of the remaining couple.

"So Juvia, truth or dare?"

Lucy mentally said her prayers for Gray, after all, all of his skin tone went drain. All of them knew Juvia has been waiting for this, both of them, Mira and Juvia waiting for Mira's not-so-innocent dare.

But then Juvia said the exact opposite

"Juvia picks truth..."

All of their eyes went wide, including Gray's. Lucy tried her best not to snicker when she saw Gray's disappointed look.

Mira look towards Juvia not believing what she said. "Are you sure Juvia-chan? don't know maybe you'll end up with 30 gruvia babies...ahaha..." The two of them shared a long staring contest, Mira sighed in depression giving up later on. But before Mira can let out her voice, Juvia cut her in.

"Juvia was joking, she meant dare..." Juvia waved off her hand, all of them, especially both Mira and Gray shot up their heads...again Lucy tried not to stifle a sneer when she saw Gray let out a relief sigh.

"Yukata!" Mira clapped her hands in glee, it seemed her plan will work off after all. "Juvia!" She said in a commander's tone.

"Hai!" Juvia said almost too eagerly

"I want you to.........!!!!!!....." Mira drummed her fingers on the table for emphasis. She totally forgot the word dare, and instead voiced out that she wants them, not dare them."to train with Gray!"


All of the guild mates look at Mira in disbelief, totally not getting her.

"That's it?" Juvia questioned, Lucy sweat dropped hearing this...

She wants more?

Though, she too thought it was also too...not Mira. She could see from the corner of her eye that Gray slightly nodded, as if agreeing Juvia's question.

Though unfortunately...more like fortunately for the couple, Mira was not finished. Mira gave out a scoff before smirking, all of her so innocent image broke down.
"In bed...tonight"

Lucy gulped hearing this, as well the others, she glance towards Juvia only to see her squealing in glee while clutching Gray's arms more.

One thing she noted, they are so not gonna stay here tonight.

All things other side Mira and Juvia went awkward, even Gray. After all what kind of a human being don't get awkward after being dared to train with someone, in bed at night? Certainly not Juvia.

After that, Juvia chose another mage to dare or truth on, after multiple sets, Juvia was yet again to be chosen.

"Juvia! Truth or Dare! Kakakaka ~~~~!" Natsu grinned putting each of his hands on his waist.

Juvia smiled and said "Truth"

Natsu seemed disappointed and waited for Juvia to change her mind....but Juvia insisted on her word "Gome Natsu-kun demo...Juvia really chooses truth..." Juvia held out an apologetic smile, while Natsu pout... Lucy thought it was cute.

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