Chapter 1

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Castiel Novak looked at the sign at the sign over the entry: "Lebanon Boy Highschool" "Dad, do I really have to?" he turned away from the gate and looked down on his father, now wonder as he was almost three inches taller than him.

"Come on, Castiel, it's only one year. You will like it here."

Cas sighed. "You're right..."

"Turn around."

Cas did was his father told him to and saw Gabriel  who was slowly approaching them by crossing the yard.

"Hey dad, hello Cas," he grinned and reached up to pat his younger but taller brother's shoulder. Then he hugged his father and whispered, "How are you?"

"I'm fine. Just have an eye on Cas."

"I promise. I did all the paper work, you don't even have to come in and announce him."

"Thanks..." Mr Novak hugged his sons. "See you guys on christmas."

"See you, Dad. Be careful," Cas said with a heavy heart.

"I do. And Castiel," he pulled him away from his older brother, "Try to be like you're at home and not so shy, okay?"

Cas nodded.

"I know you can do this, big boy."

"Dad, I'm not a child anymore!"

"And though you wanted me to come with you..."

Cas blushed, hugged his father one more time and stepped through the entry.

"Do you have everything?" Gabriel asked.

Cas nodded and showed him his bag. "Yep."

Gabe laid an arm around his shoulders, while walking over to one of the houses. "How have you been?"

Cas only shrugged. "I don't know. I really want to help dad but I don't know how."

"Fine, just forget this for a while." They approached a building with a sign saying: House 3  "This is where I live," Gabe pointed at a door on the second "your room will be on my corridor, so I can keep an eye on you. And your roommate, Dean, will watch over you as well."

"I don't need anyone to watch over me!" Cas protested.


"Yes! I'm not a child anymore."

"Fine, as you think. But be nice to him, he will be as well."

Cas nodded again. He took a deep breath, because Gabe was about to knock at a door.


Dean Winchester sat on his bed, leaning against the wall, and listened to some of his favourite songs.

His side of the room was full of posters of classical rock bands, one half of the closet was full of shirts and t-shirts and over the back of a chair, there was his old, loved leather jacket.

He stared at the empty bed in front of him, the whole other side of the room was empty. He was alone.

His roommate graduated in summer, now it was Dean's last year.

Although it was only the third week of the semester, he had given up hope to get a new roommate. But though, he didn't have the heart to put his stuff on the other side of the rooms as well.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. He turned off his music and get up to open it. "Hey Gabe."

Gabriel finished highschool three years ago, now he lived here in the boarding school and was kind of a supervisor, there were four of them  in each of the four houses. However, for Dean and some others he was more like a friend.

"What's up? Has my music been to loud?"

"No. But seriously, you should get some headphones," Gabriel grinned at the younger but still taller boy. "But actually, I'm here because of something else," Gabe added and took a step to the side, so Dean could see the boy, who had just been standing in the background until now.

He was just a bit smaller than Dean, had black hair and wore a blue shirt.

"This," Gabe pulled the boy closer, "is your new roommate"

"Hi," Dean said and held his hand out, "I'm Dean. Dean Winchester."

"Hello, Dean. I am Castiel Novak," he took Dean's hand and shook it. For a second they stared at each other.

Cas immediately noticed all the freckles on Dean's face, that spread between the beautiful, fan fiction green eyes and the very soft-looking lips, that were curled into a smile.

Dean just noticed Cas' bluest of blue eyes and got lost in them.

"Now that you know each other, this is your side, Castiel." Gabe pointed at the empty bed and everything around it. "Dean, be nice and help him. If you need me, you know where I am." Saying these words, Gabriel turned around and left.

"So, Castiel..." Dean sat down on his bed again, "that's a long name."

"You can call me Cas," the dark-haired boy entered the room, closed the door and put down his bag.

"Fine. What I wanted to say: That's your bed, your desk and there is half of the closet left for you. You can do whatever you want with your side of the room. As long as you don't touch my stuff, I won't mind."

Cas nodded and started unpacking his things. As he passed Dean's desk to reach the closet, a framed picture caught his eye. "Who's that?"

Dean walked up to him and said, "My family. These are Sam and Adam, my little brothers."

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